Middle-earth: Shadows of Mordor

I havnt got the best out of the nemesis system because I never lost a fight with any ork involved in it

I only died a few times in my play, and it was basically because I got impatient near the end of the game and ran into a stronghold and encountered a war chief and about 4 captains at the same time.
Yes, anything that requires a combination of two face buttons, Square + X, Circle + X, Triangle + Square, etc.... and please don't tell me they work for you because I just don't care anymore.

Your shit must be broke. They work for everyone but you. In fact they work so well that most people think the game is way too easy. ;)
I think it's a lovely looking game for the most part. There's just a certain sheen to it that is lacking in your typical cross-gen game. I played a lot of FC4 over the holidays. Nice looking game for sure, but everything from the lighting to the character models to the shrubbery still looks decidedly PS3-ish. I mostly blame it on a sort of uniform look of its surface shaders. There's an incredibly pronounced visual difference between various materials in games like AC Unity, SoM, KZ Shadowfall and Infamous. To my eyes that's just not the case in FC4.
It certainly does look a bit barren compared to Ubisoft's and R*'s gaming playgrounds, though. Having armies of artists and coders at your disposal does have its benefits.
Hm, am I the only one who can't get into this game...it seems so extremely repetitive and boring...worst offender is the gameplay/combat: the whole combat is like a full QTE sequence...button prompt, push the button, counter happens, attack a bit, button prompt, counter attack...rinse and repeat until you kill 10 or more Orcs...it was super fun and exciting the first fight, nice during the second fight...but after every fight is like this...it really bothers me.

PS: graphics are shiiiiiite!
It's not QTE at all. Game plays just like Batman and is one of the reasons for it's popularity.
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Hm, am I the only one who can't get into this game...it seems so extremely repetitive and boring...worst offender is the gameplay/combat: the whole combat is like a full QTE sequence...button prompt, push the button, counter happens, attack a bit, button prompt, counter attack...rinse and repeat until you kill 10 or more Orcs...it was super fun and exciting the first fight, nice during the second fight...but after every fight is like this...it really bothers me.

PS: graphics are shiiiiiite!
It just takes a little while to get into it. Stick with it. I also hated the first few hours I spent with it, then fell in love.
Only part I found annoying was the tutorial as per usual: "Here you go, boy. Push da button. Who's a good monkey." I thought it got a little too easy later on. Certainly too easy for the Nemesis system to really shine. Doesn't really work when your dude barely ever dies.
It's not QTE at all. Game plays just like Batman and is one of the reasons for it's popularity.

QTE = mashing square until triangle pops up, push triangle in the right time = > counter animation kicks in, mash square again = shadows of mordor :mrgreen:

PS: I never got into the Batman games either...maybe I just don't like this autopilot gameplay.

@LB: I'll try again :)
After a bit you'll be able to unlock more moves which will make the combat both easier and much more interesting.

Also, try to upgrade the melee abilities first then go for the wraith ones.

And upgrade your health as much as you can before anything else.
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Ah! And finally, don't play this like Far Cry where a lot of us do all the side missions first, then do the story missions.

In SoM, some abilities - some of the most important ones actually - are unlocked only by completing story missions. So don't leave all of them for later as you'd be missing out on those upgrades. The Gollum ones at least, if I remember correctly.
Yea, just keep playing the game and you'll see the beauty in the combat. It's much better than Ryse and AC sword-fighting combat for sure. I'd even rank it over Dark Souls because of all the multiple kills you can make which look so awesome!
That was a good read. I've always been interested in "behind the scenes" team dynamics and how they overcame challenges.
That was a good read. I've always been interested in "behind the scenes" team dynamics and how they overcame challenges.

Yeah, I thought it was interesting how the Nemesis system started to get crazy complicated with additional RPG traits like morale. Orc morale is just a bizarre concept but I think they've kept some of it in. I've been seen orcs just turn and run when why can't deal with something. For example, if there a group of them and you take out a bunch, the final one or two may start to freak out. The dialogue is brilliant.