Microsoft Vista "Family Discount"


Red-headed step child
To make it easier for households with multiple PCs to make the move to Windows Vista, Microsoft is launching a limited-time offer for customers who buy retail copies of Windows Vista Ultimate. From Jan. 30 through June 30, the Windows Vista Family Discount will allow North American customers to license two additional copies of Windows Vista Home Premium for use on other PCs in the home at the reduced price of $49.99 each.

If you plan on being legal about it, here's a good way to upgrade the PC's in your house with Vista...
The pity here tho is you have to buy Ultimate in order to secure the discounted upgrade rights to two more copies of Home Premium.

Still, its a step in the right direction, and I personally will be taking advantage of it for at least one additional copy of Home Premium (haven't decided on a second one tho --that'd be one of the laptops and I'll probably just upgrade them by getting new ones. . . .)
Microsoft is launching a limited-time offer for customers who buy retail copies of Windows Vista Ultimate.

that'll be a pretty limited market I tell you. doesn't it cost $399 or something like that. how nice M$ allows you to spend $500 instead of $700-800 whatever.
If you're buying retail packages, then you're probably buying a $259 upgrade for Ultimate. Then another $100 for two more Home Premium. So $359 for three PCs at home.

Edit: But no stinkin' Euros need apply anyway!

The Windows Vista Family Discount is available only in the U.S. and Canada. More information is available at .
Such a shame that Vista Home Premium doesn't have remote desktop support. :no:
do most families have Vista capable pc's throughout their house? my guess is daddy gets the heavy hitter...everyone else gets bargain basement and castoffs from daddys desk.
Such a shame that Vista Home Premium doesn't have remote desktop support. :no:

Arrgh, that's right. I knew there was another reason I was going with Ultimate. Unfortunately, the wife's machine needs RDP too.
I'm pretty sure that if you have Ultimate, you just need to copy a few files over to get it to work. I know they got Vista's remote desktop system to work on XP this way.
I'm thinking this might be an idea even if you don't have an immediate demand for 3 copies. Get the Ultimate and then keep the two premiums for other projects in the future. I'm sure Vista will have at least a 5 year shelf life.

However, if upgrades are noticably cheaper, then I'm not so sure.

I assume the 2x copies of Premium are full retail product, not OEM.