your not serious are you, or maybe you misread me. that the plant and preparations for 65nm fabs are underway 'but' whether they will meet the PS3 lauanch is still in question.
DO NOT put words in my mouth thank you.
I know all about the PR TR.
Yes, but no confirmation of when and what. 65nm might just make it by late 2006/7. 65nm = big deal by then. see, too much assumptions once again.
we don't need developers to host an informed discussion on the differences.
But no one has explained why console vs pc hardware internals are night and day. remember what Paul said. again?
Comparing NV30 and R300 to this is just wrong. Cannot compare it to the console world Chap, it's like night and day. "
So why is it night and day? Like i said, yeay, in a console world, hardware/software are more optimised and targetted, but at the very base, it is still make up of silicons and transistors. Design is stil design. You are still going to push the 1s and 0s, rendering 3D in real time. You can get it right, you can get it wrong. It is not like Sony is packing some magical transistors that does 1-2-3-4-5-6 while rivals are just using the same ol 0-1 transistor logic..
do you get what me saying?
rue, but you flagrent dimissal of fabbing as a key contributer is puzzling to me
Since when...
im saying that fabbing, alone, shouldnt maketh super realtime 3D graphiX.
Put that R300 NV30 to show that fabbing alone does not play the key. You still need to design a competent architecture to take advantage with good software. it is not about the performance tat for tit, but seeing that even in the same areana(GPU vs GPU), fabbing alone, does not maketh thee. I expect that law to apply for console vs console too.
yes with design consideration taken into account for the closed system. very little is wasted which is what you see alot of in a good console.
so i ask thee, having little wastage will automatically provide for really good design, capable of rendering bestest 3D? get what me asking now? PVR and NV2A are very much from the PC world, just some tweaks to incorporate into the console world. and both of em are very much capable so, comparing to the other console hardware. See, at the base, it is the darn silicon! Not what you put inside but how you put inside.
you can, but drawing parrelles is not the same as equating the two.
yeay thats what im doing. draw parallels //, not equating =. puzzling why Paul time and again dissmissed that w/o mucho real tech explanation. hmm..
Yeay know, it is not always that a larger speaker giveth the better sound, sure the extra area allows you to throw more things into it, but you still need to plan the thing well. you still need to observe the basis of how good audio works. A well planned smallish speaker can readily rock your house over one large and messy SPEAKOOOR!
A speaker in the theater and a speaker at home, might server different purposes, BUT at their core, both are to provide you with the best audio immersion. The laws of good sound will apply to both theater and your home. Just as the laws of how to provide good 3d render of a hardware, will apply to console and PC world. You can draw parallels with them.
yes but for a different (and specific) function only. I could have said equally
"no, it's the OS"
OS = software too. once again, too much semantics from you.
it means the rolleyes for a start.
