The CGC, or Melee attacks if you like can actually be very effective even though MGO is mainly viewed as a shoot em up. There are players who are using them a lot and can be annoying to have them as enemies
The problem is that in order to have lets say blade attacks, you use up all your spots. CQC lvl 1 + Blades lvl 3. Or if you use CQC mastery, you got just one skill left. You are handicapping yourself. While you can do alot of damage with CQC moves, the only way to do that is to play is the hide and seek game, they hide or try to sneak up on people, or trap them. Thats not particularly effective in objective based (or even deathmatch) based team games.
Camping is allmost never effective, (unless with defence\offence games, or spawn camping
), aspecially not if you decide to use CQC, and camping\sneaking is the only way to play CQC, if your not in range, your gonna get shot to death anyway. It may annoy other players, but your spending a lot of time trying to get into CQC postition, meanwhile you could have just shot the guy in the back allready and move on to the next enemy.
I love the CQC moves and getting knife kills, but its not the best way to win any of the game modes (Except for when you are snake), id love it so much more if you could have several skills. That way you could still enjoy all the other excellent skills that makes killing people easier, while also have the ability to knife\cqc somebody when thats the best option. Unlike now, when you choose between allways beeing "worse" that you could be in all weapon encounters, only to get the ability to cqc\blade or just dont bother with CQC, and be the most effective in all weapon encounters, as there are far more of those.
The most effective way to kill pe
By doing something like this your seriously crippling yourself, as you can be much more deadly with runner3 + weaponskill or other setups.
Aspecially considering that this is a third person shooter where you can control camera angle so you can pretty much prevent from getting jumped at any corner my a melee player. And CQC cannot help you if your out of range, and with runner 3 + taking advantage of third person cam, you never will be.