MGS4 walkthrough questions

Don't click "New Game", select Load Game and load your finished saved game - then it will ask you what difficulty you want to start on for your next run through.

Whoops ! I already reached Act2 with thenew game! Guess I'll restart or maybe finish it in Big boss hard. Dunno what to do :rolleyes:
MGS4 doesn't have trophy support yet? You'll need to wait for the patch (assuming that it does come at some point, though they could wait for Home maybe) and then you'll need to replay the game, because Trophies aren't retrofitted to prevent savegame cheats.

Jesus Christ! I cant think of the possibility of achieving the Big Boss emblem....AGAIN!

It was HELL!! :LOL:
Metal Gear Online updated with new stealth game mode :)

"Team Sneaking" pits one team, equipped with Stealth, against another team which is defending a target. Stealth'd players can be spotted, like in the single player game, and will then be visible until the caution meter goes down.


A new ruleset has also been added, which can be played in most of the game modes. The name of this ruleset, "Headshots Only," is pretty self explanatory. Any non-headshot kills suffer a points penalty, which makes the game that little bit more interesting. These additions are only the beginning -- no doubt we'll see more added before too long.

The interesting part is that the game didn't really update, so they either have very expressive rule engine or maybe more likely were hiding the mode from the beginning, (or I simply missed the update :) ).

Anyway, I'm in love with this game despite all the Konami shit and menu digging,
Too bad none of my PSN friends play this gem of awesomeness [looks at Patsu :devilish:].
I only wish it had party support with matchmaking.

Unfortunately I keep leveling up (level 6 now), I don't even know why exactly this is happening. If it is score based, I cannot do much about it, but if it's skill based at least I can delay level 7 as it seems 6s and 7s are real minorities on the main matchmaking lobby. :(
The interesting part is that the game didn't really update, so they either have very expressive rule engine or maybe more likely were hiding the mode from the beginning, (or I simply missed the update :) ).

Anyway, I'm in love with this game despite all the Konami shit and menu digging,
Too bad none of my PSN friends play this gem of awesomeness [looks at Patsu :devilish:].
I only wish it had party support with matchmaking.

Unfortunately I keep leveling up (level 6 now), I don't even know why exactly this is happening. If it is score based, I cannot do much about it, but if it's skill based at least I can delay level 7 as it seems 6s and 7s are real minorities on the main matchmaking lobby. :(

I play...
Anyway, I'm in love with this game despite all the Konami shit and menu digging,
Too bad none of my PSN friends play this gem of awesomeness [looks at Patsu :devilish:].

Hah ! They erased all the beta records. I have not have time to play yet. Was still fooling around with the MGS4, RFOM and Naruto demo/Qore2 last few days. Already told you guys MGO is awesome. I'll hop in again once my MGS4 adventures are done.

I only wish it had party support with matchmaking.

Wait a minute, I thought the beta has matchmaking. A temporary party is formed and they all go through a series of matches ?

Unfortunately I keep leveling up (level 6 now), I don't even know why exactly this is happening. If it is score based, I cannot do much about it, but if it's skill based at least I can delay level 7 as it seems 6s and 7s are real minorities on the main matchmaking lobby. :(

Shoot, what can you do with level 6-7 skills ? Kill someone with a spoon ?
Shoot, what can you do with level 6-7 skills ? Kill someone with a spoon ?

unfortunately you cannot do anything fun. I have runner master, sniper CQC mastery and Blades mastery, i can stab people after grabbing them, but due to how lame the leveling system is made, each level of all the cool skills take ups a slot, i.e. you can only have blades mastery (lvl 3) and cqc lvl 1 at the same time..

which sucks balls imo.
each level of all the cool skills take ups a slot, i.e. you can only have blades mastery (lvl 3) and cqc lvl 1 at the same time..

which sucks balls imo.

I heard you can share skills by staying close to someone and syncing yourselves through SOP system. The whole point of skill system is to not have someone with arsenal of elite skills and soloing around killing everybody. This system emphasizes team work.

I still dont know how exactly skill sharing works so I have to study it a bit. Or one possibility is that I am plain wrong of this and skill system just sucks! :D

EDIT: We are talking about MGO, right? :)
Yes, you're supposed to be able to share skills with SOP partners.

EDIT: Ostepop, what does level 6 and 7 do ? I have only seen 2 and 3 in the beta.
I play...
Good to hear, though I suspect MGO is not interregional. :(

Hah ! They erased all the beta records.
Do you know whether they have kept the playtime stats?
I keep seeing 50-hour players with low levels, and not bad k/d ratios, added beta playtime may explain those.

Wait a minute, I thought the beta has matchmaking. Then a temporary party is formed and they all go through a series of matches ?
It has matchmaking, pretty decent too until you reach level 6, I hear it sucks at level 7. Fortunately people will keep leveling up so won't be an issue for long.

But it doesn't have party support AFAIK. It does matchmaking, gathers the temp lobby, and you play with those guys until all viable hosts or you quit. It even has good rebalancing.

It doesn't let you enter matchmaking lobbies with friends, which I call party support. You cannot invite friends after lobby is created either, likewise cannot enter the lobbies of friends,

Though the game says otherwise, I haven't really seen a temp lobby getting random new blood either. As a result lobby keeps loosing players. While I like sneaking matches a lot, I cannot imagine searching for Snake being fun with 4 players or less.

Shoot, what can you do with level 6-7 skills ? Kill someone with a spoon ?
I wish. :)
EDIT: Ostepop, what does level 6 and 7 do ? I have only seen 2 and 3 in the beta.
To be clear I was talking about overall player level which the game assigns to you by some criteria. Skill levels are upto 3 (master) only, same as beta apparently .

unfortunately you cannot do anything fun. I have runner master, sniper CQC mastery and Blades mastery, i can stab people after grabbing them, but due to how lame the leveling system is made, each level of all the cool skills take ups a slot, i.e. you can only have blades mastery (lvl 3) and cqc lvl 1 at the same time..

which sucks balls imo.
Well, all extra support skill levels are free, which is pretty smart.
The whole limited level slots and costly non-support skill extras approach is likewise.
It adds specialization dimension, and theoretically promotes teamplay.

I say theoretically, because it is kinda stupid to skip party support (besides custom games) especially with seemingly advanced clan support.

I suspect it won't be as much of an issue as people get used the game though.

Anyway, have you mastered the knife in a leveling up custom lobby, is it even possible?
All the knife masters I know are pretty good though, must be difficult otherwise.

I heard you can share skills by staying close to someone and syncing yourselves through SOP system. The whole point of skill system is to not have someone with arsenal of elite skills and soloing around killing everybody. This system emphasizes team work.

I still dont know how exactly skill sharing works so I have to study it a bit. Or one possibility is that I am plain wrong of this and skill system just sucks! :D
Even without sharing, skill system rocks (but not necessarily the skills themselves or the perks of higher levels)
EDIT: We are talking about MGO, right? :)
Do you know whether they have kept the playtime stats?
I keep seeing 50-hour players with low levels, and not bad k/d ratios, added beta playtime may explain those.

I was told by some GAFfers that everything was erased. I tried to login once from MGS4, but it wouldn't let me. So I figured my account was totally gone too.
Hmm... I might have used my MGO character name to login instead. I think I forgot my Konami ID already.'s all there waiting for you though. I think i forgot too, so I went to the website and asked it to send all my details to my email.
I heard you can share skills by staying close to someone and syncing yourselves through SOP system. The whole point of skill system is to not have someone with arsenal of elite skills and soloing around killing everybody. This system emphasizes team work.

I still dont know how exactly skill sharing works so I have to study it a bit. Or one possibility is that I am plain wrong of this and skill system just sucks! :D

EDIT: We are talking about MGO, right? :)

I think the only thing you can share is SOP information and SOP skills. That also leaves you vulnerable to the syringe skill which takes down the entire team.

You cannot share any other skills i think,atleast nobody has ever taken use of my skills. If i got knife lvl 3 on. nobody else on the team will get knife mastery. Atleast when i run around knife killing people, nobody else on my team is killing with the knife after choke holds, even if im close by and have a SOP skill and in sync. It doesn't work.

The whole leveling up system is imo rubbish. The levels themselves mean nothing, i think they are based on how many points you get in fights. Im like level 7-8 or so, but i havent noticed anything different. The only thing that matters are the actual skill levels of each skill.

I stopped playing completely because of the rubbish setup where you cannot stack any good skills. It makes no sense. Why on earth should i, after getting CQC Mastery, somehow have to be reduced to CQC lvl 1 if i want to knife people aswell? It doesnt make sense, did my character forget all his CQC skills meanwhile?

I dont get why they didn't have CQC and Knifes and a few others as level up skills that stack. It makes no sense to me, its freaking melee skills. This is a shooting game. Melee will allmost never be as effective as just shooting the guy,it should be a bonus to be good at melee\knife, not something you have to chose over other skills.

Its ridiculus that i have to give up 3 skills in order to be able to stab somebody in the neck while in choke hold. This is still a shooting game, that knife skill isn't worth it at all considering what you need to give up on. A weapon skill and runner 2\3 will be more effective in terms of kills and killratio, having knife mastery equipped just makes you less effective.

The problem is that you have to seriously handicap your character if you want to do something cool like stabbing people. Imo, melee skills should stack just like support skills. It would be a nice bonus to have, but by themselves the skills are to weak compared to guns + runner.
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I think the only thing you can share is SOP information and SOP skills. That also leaves you vulnerable to the syringe skill which takes down the entire team.

You cannot share any other skills i think,atleast nobody has ever taken use of my skills. If i got knife lvl 3 on. nobody else on the team will get knife mastery. Atleast when i run around knife killing people, nobody else on my team is killing with the knife after choke holds, even if im close by and have a SOP skill and in sync. It doesn't work.

I think you're right. The official documentation only mentioned sharing of SOP info. The sharing of skills was mentioned in one of the reviews but may be inaccurate.

Regarding knife use, I know during the beta, one or two players dominated the game when they used shield and knife/CQC. I have not played it recently to see how everyone has evolved. At that time, I was also trying to figure out how to win when playing as Snake.
I like MGO. The only thing that sucks is I can't play with my friends(deepbrown and me tried searching for each other many times, it doesn't let us play.Region difference. Same with others I have on my friend List.) Also, most of the people, including me, don't have a mic, and have to rely on the inbuilt quick communication messages(select button, which also, most of the guys don't use and I have to keep telling them "Stay together people!" all the time:rolleyes:), which handicaps many strategies, like one guy carrying a shield while others follow.I know its not the game's fault, but then I have encountered only a few people with mics, and the teamplay gets random unless I really keep yelling those quick communications commands to keep the guys as a team.Which I think can get solved if friends are playing together, but thats not happening in my case.