MGS3 High Quality screens AND trailer - *beautiful*

i hope it can match halo in terms of explosiveness. roxkozor!!!
MGS3 visual effects (explosions included) > anything else I've seen so far. I don't think there will be any problems. Halo 2 still has those Halo1-ish not-so-great looking explosions, but overal, Halo 2 engine > anything else, IMO.

Marc, earlier when I mentioned the graphic design of the trailer, I was referring to the splash screens, not the game Looks like something out of Austin Powers hehe..
Ah, I see :)) Yes, I agree. I don't think it will be like that in the final game, though. Kyle Cooper is back at the helm of the title sequence, and if MGS2 is any indication, that kind of graphics design (which the rest of the game will have to follow) will blow anything else out of the water.

As for hunting - well, the theme of the game is 'survival'. There will be a lot of different camo suits in the game that you will have to wear as the weather around you changes. They also said there will be elements like adjusting the colors on your face, and tightening your suit so you don't catch a cold... Sounds like a lots of micromamangement that may not even make it into final game, but I'm sure it will be designed seamlessly (as in, you will not have to hunt every two minuts, but only when your energy gets low, etc...)
Mmm in the trailer there are 3 years flashing by... 1960-1961 and 1962... (eventually also 1963, but that's as far it goes)
Could the game take place in the '60? ^^
But I am not sure about the weaponary then...

Anyhow, I hope you don't have to micromanage a lot, 'cause it's still a game... not some type of expedition robinson featuring weapons ripp-off :LOL:
Mmm... I hope this game is just as much fun as the others :)

As for graphics, from what I see.. it's damn good 8)
Well, if anything KCET trailers are better than their games imo. You still remember all the promised tricks you can do with MGS2, but as the final game showed, things were very straightforwardly simple. So i shall see how Kojima implements this "Survival" thing. :oops:

The official sites are up.

official MGS3 site with official stuffs

Looks like the game will NOT!!! be a direct continuation of MGS2. Sidestory perhaps?

official MGS:TT site with official stuffs

I think KCET loves Nintendo GC! :oops:
chaphack said:
Well, if anything KCET trailers are better than their games imo. You still remember all the promised tricks you can do with MGS2, but as the final game showed, things were very straightforwardly simple

Never took the training wheels off and played on Extreme without RADAR, huh Chappers? Straightforwardly simple they were not....
What things exactly have they promissed and didn't fulfilled? I really don't remember. They only had some scenes in the trailers that were changed/didn't make it in the final game. Few scenes, basically.
i duuno, but i feel that all the talk and promises(like shooting pipes/walkie talkies/riot shields/using shadows/fps mode/wall jumpshot/realistic weapons/empty mags/cardboxes/ect) were a little underwhelmingly implemented.

I like to see more continuous usage, rather than for specific scripted situations. The flexibility is not there, for all the tricks and moves KCET gave you that is quite disappointing.

For some tricks, it is better not to use them, like pipes and fp firing during a hecktic firefight(which the MGS trailer showed, it looks cool but in game it is worthless). IMHO! :oops:
Chap, the solution is easy. Stop playing on Easy and play on Extreme w/out the Radar. Then you'll see how valuable the shadows are, or shooting out radios, or using the cardboardbox (which rules), aswell as diversions.

It's easy to sit back and bitch about this when you play on Easy and use the Radar to play the game like a FPS. Unfortunatly, Kojima can't make you play it like it was intended.
Hmmm, FP firing is really a must throughtout the game. Not in every situation obviously, but more often that not it was the preferred way for me.
chaphack said:
i duuno, but i feel that all the talk and promises(like shooting pipes/walkie talkies/riot shields/using shadows/fps mode/wall jumpshot/realistic weapons/empty mags/cardboxes/ect) were a little underwhelmingly implemented.

I like to see more continuous usage, rather than for specific scripted situations. The flexibility is not there, for all the tricks and moves KCET gave you that is quite disappointing.

For some tricks, it is better not to use them, like pipes and fp firing during a hecktic firefight(which the MGS trailer showed, it looks cool but in game it is worthless). IMHO! :oops:

You can use all those tactics you mentioned anywhere in the game, I wouldn't call that scripted.
FPS shooting is essential in many parts of the game, I used it almost every time when putting an enemy to sleep, or shooting him. You can not survive an enemy alert and those riot shielded guards without going first person. It certainly is not easy, but if it was, there woud surely be someone complaining how unrealistic it was when a single Snake can easily defeat a riot squad.
MGS2 certainly was more open in how you go forward in the game than for example Splinter Cell, which I'd call scripted.
See that's exactly what I love about MGS2 - the freedom of choosing which things to you use at any given time. You rarely get to a point in the game where you can only advance using the correct tactic - this makes it all the more interesting as you can 'play' with the game and try out different strategies.
I play my games on default difficulty, though i did try hard without radar. It is tougher but the fixed camera angles pissed me off without radar. I think the shadows are used during one part of the tanker scene, which of course that scene isnt really exceptional in the first place.

As for FP shooting, you guys missed da point. It IS important, but not as cool as highlighted in the trailers. It is basically useless during intense firefights. Thats why i mention about KCET trailers cooler than KCET games. :oops:
I have experienced in MGS2 every single thing shown in the trailer. Even more than that. I dunno what are you talking about Chap.
TTP said:
I have experienced in MGS2 every single thing shown in the trailer. Even more than that. I dunno what are you talking about Chap.

Not the Hawker Harrier or Flooding Scene I guess though ;)
Or running away from the explosions. These three things are the ones I can remember from the trailer that were not in the game (although harrier was at another place in the game)

At least now it's obvious that motorcycle/GTA scene from MGS3 trailer is the goof that won't be in the game :)
zurich said:
TTP said:
I have experienced in MGS2 every single thing shown in the trailer. Even more than that. I dunno what are you talking about Chap.

Not the Hawker Harrier or Flooding Scene I guess though ;)

Well, of course :)

Yet I've recreated all the "promised tricks" shown in the trailer.
marconelly! said:
Yet I've recreated all the "promised tricks" shown in the trailer.

Why does it surpries you managed to shoot the pipes to blow steam in the guard's eyes/jump out from behind a corner to shoot the enemy/use empty clips to distract the enemy to get past him/......./........?

I believe I've done most the "promised tricks" myself.
Why does it surpries you managed to shoot the pipes to blow steam in the guard's eyes/jump out from behind a corner to shoot the enemy/use empty clips to distract the enemy to get past him/......./........?
Well, I thought he recreated running from the flood, explosions and harrier fight on the bridge. I thought he used some kind of cheating device or something.
MGS2: The whole cardboard box thing was so fake it made me laugh my head off. I just couldn't take MGS2 seriously after that. Same goes for the enemy AI. Clueless. The plot was horrible.

As for MGS3: Snake eating a snake is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.