Metal Gear Solid 4 to hit 360?

Oh noes, I got caught up in a discussion about bias!
I see your 6.5 for Kameo and raise by a 9.4 for GRAW. Those terrible, terrible people.

Whatever man, I just tore your theory to shreds, and your response is to point out a favourablke GRAW review?? Wow you really made your case there...

Average ranging for GRAW was 91%, 1up gave it 94%. No huge discrepency there.

Kameo averaged 81%, EGM gave it 63%. and 1up gave it a 70%. Big discrepency for a major 1st party title.

That right there debunks ANY theory that EGM and 1UP were intentionally playing up the 360's launch. Just admit it the obvious rather than continuing to argue this ridiculous ****** conspiracy theory.
The massive ziff-davis/EGM/1up conspiracy against Sony of course...

We will find out soon enough. If it turns out to be true than good scoop for them. If it turns out to be some vague debunked rumor than it can be seen as a conspiracy agains Sony. simple as that.
If it turns out to be some vague debunked rumor than it can be seen as a conspiracy agains Sony.

Whatever. If it's debunked any rationale person will see it for what it is: An attempt to sell more magazines by posting sensationalist headlines on the cover.
We will find out soon enough. If it turns out to be true than good scoop for them. If it turns out to be some vague debunked rumor than it can be seen as a conspiracy agains Sony. simple as that.

Does that mean every incorrect rumor about MS is a conspiracy against MS?

I will assume yes until you say otherwise. was merely a theory, nothing more. I simply find it ironic how such extreme rumors are showing up mere weeks before the PS3's launch. All I'm saying is that if I were MS' CEO and I wanted to mudsling and exercise the arts of FUD, this would be a great way to start. was merely a theory, nothing more. I simply find it ironic how such extreme rumors are showing up mere weeks before the PS3's launch. All I'm saying is that if I were MS' CEO and I wanted to mudsling and exercise the arts of FUD, this would be a great way to start.

All I'm saying is if I wanted to sell some extra magazines in a slow month, slapping a 'rumour' about one of PS3's premiere games being ported to 360 on the front page would be a good idea.

It doesn't mean MS had anything to do with.
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All I'm saying is if I wanted to sell some extra magazines in a slow month, slapping a 'rumour' about one of PS3's premiere games being ported to 360 on the front page would be a good idea.

It doesn't mean MS had anything to do with.

perhaps, but with all due respect, I expect November to be anything but a "slow month" for anyone ;)
perhaps, but with all due respect, I expect November to be anything but a "slow month" for anyone ;)

This issue probably went to print in august/sept.

The Nov/December issues will be anything but slow, though November will still be a bit light on news, still rehashing the same old Wii/Ps3 previews we've been reading for months.
All I'm saying is if I wanted to sell some extra magazines in a slow month, slapping a 'rumour' about one of PS3's premiere games being ported to 360 on the front page would be a good idea.
Yeah. I can see a tiddly one line rumour on the cover helping to boost sales over a 17 page Halo3 blowout!!

it's been debunked. This is the real new EGM cover:

Lol, that could just as easily be from this time 2001 with some photoshop applied. (just take the 3 out of halo, and change PS3 to PS2 and Wii to either Xbox or GC)

Actually, come to think of it, so could the other one...

BTW, did Kojima actually state that Xbox 360 could handle MGS4? If he did and he meant without downgrades, that's pretty significant for how close the systems are in performance.