Mesa3D and hardware GL calls


Retarded moron
This isn't about 3D, it's about "Can I use both my latest and greatest video card with hardware accelerated features, those who don't have this can still 'run' my program with those features in software?"

I'm only targeting for the Windows platform, I want hardware acceleration to be primary choice.
I've been looking through Mesa3D to see if I could find anything, however I'm turning up blank.

Someone here may have experience with my situation, so I really had to ask about this possibility and if it's feasible.
ah the good old memories of glquake running at 0.1fps when you tried to use a wrong opengl32.dll or whatever.
or the games that you had to quit in those conditions using your mouse cursor.
is this what you are aiming at? ;)
(though I guess the Mesa software rendering is much better than the old software opengl driver included in windows)
Mesa is great, and it will use any available 3D acceleration.

That said, getting just the right driver installed is rather hit-and-miss. You do need to check which fork offers the best one, and add that one to your software sources before you do an apt-get install/upgrade.

But if you go for the broadest user base, and Mesa deliver the best experience. It will work, and almost certainly a lot faster than (for example) the stock X1xxx Linux drivers. Which are even worse than the official ATi ones.