Memory Hit of Triple Buffering

jvd said:
I actually enjoy tripple buffering and vsync on but hey i'm wierd so don't mind me :)
But that's the whole point. Triple buffering allows you to have vsync on and still render at full* efficiency.

The only downsides are the increased memory usage (negligible these days) and that the framerate may jump a little from time to time (but then you are just as likely to get that from other factors, e.g., texture uploads or extra translucency from explosions.)


*Assuming that the refresh rate is usually higher than the HW's rendering rate.
Thanks all, the common view seems to be that the memory hit isn't really worth worrying about and that's all I needed to know. Cheers :)
Simon F said:
jvd said:
I use it often with ati's temporal aa
I presume you mean "alternating sampling pattern" AA. :p

No no . I use temporal smooth vision 2.1 :oops: hehehe :) it works very nice. Don't care if they all it hot dog vision. then end effect is positive
Is it possible to have a "force tripple buffering" option for D3D in the drivers or is this up to the game developers?
Drivers could force just about anything, but I wouldn't expect such an option in any driver soon.
You can force AA and AF, too, although DX gives the developer full control over it (just like with swap chains).
Yeah, but I thought I read in a topic, something along the lines of "Why can I force Triple Buffering in OpenGL but not Direct3D in Catalyst" that it was because this was a violation of the spec.

Maybe I'm just making this up :)