Member jokes. Joke about members of B3D!


Retarded moron

WaltC's shortest post ever.
sytaylor said:
london-boy said:
The Madam doesn't run! And doesn't do stairs or walk on grass!! :LOL:

LMAO! That took me within millemeters of splirting water all over my keyboard!

Wet keyboards are evil. They get all sticky and stuff. Oh wait, u're talkintg about water...
This forum used to be a symbol of integrity in the whole cyberspace. When did it get this low.....(this _ low i mean).............?

You didn't tell me. Your wife, on the other hand.... ;)

(heh. this reminds me of middle school put down fights)
Who's there?
Ahmed who?
Ahmed an application to investigate angle-dependent anisotropic filtering algorithms.

A B3D member walks into a bar. He notices, with some dismay, evidence of "pint-sampling".

How many B3D members does it take to change a lightbulb?

None. They're all too busy kissing Dave Baumann's ass.
Reverend walks in on a conversation between Dave and Kristof.

"What's up?" Rev asks.

"Oh, we're just discussing about B3D being the only website to review PVR Series 5 before other websites do a day later" Dave replies.

Rev thinks a bit.

"Okay, but don't use Doom3" Rev says.

"Why?" Dave and Kristof choruses.

"Coz the game is too dark to show off the floor tiles."

</ducks and runs>.