Media Player 10 beta

IST said:
*IST revives. He now has 7 lives.*

*IST grabs the "Cannot miss/be deflected" gun and fires at l-b. The round suddenly turns around and shoots in IST's direction. It goes through his heart and kills him.*

*IST revives, he now has 6 lives.*

There's a reason they call me boomerang boy.

*More determined that ever, IST begins to stalk l-b. He finds him out in the open, unprotected. IST flings his knife at l-b, only to have it miss and richochet off of the steel wall behind him. It speeds towards IST and inbeds itself into his head.*

*IST revives. He now has 5 lives.*

GRR, I'll never give in until you admit that WMP rules! ;)
IST said:
*More determined that ever, IST begins to stalk l-b. He finds him out in the open, unprotected. IST flings his knife at l-b, only to have it miss and richochet off of the steel wall behind him. It speeds towards IST and inbeds itself into his head.*

*IST revives. He now has 5 lives.*

GRR, I'll never give in until you admit that WMP rules! ;)

Heh, violence just doesn't work with me. The only way to get to me is............................. (and this will open up a whole new off-topic discussion to this sorry thread)
I usually don't use WMP because I have find BSPlayer much better on my needs.

*Prepares Nap1 -ship to 2.3 Warp speed.
*Shoots 10 Gigaton Fusion Explosive to the sun causing the Sun reach SuperNova state within 30 seconds.
*launches Warp Speed to travel 128*10^400 thousand miles.

-> IST and London-boy killed. huge frag score from destroying several planets with intelligent (and not so intelligent) nations and lifeforms.
*causes black hole to form inside nearby sun*
*Sun collapses in on itself causing a hypernova*
*gamma ray shockwave instantly incinerates Nappe1*
