Media Create Japanese charts 28 March - 03 April



PS2 44,117
DS 43,023
PSP 33,911
GBASP 17,710
GC 3,754
GBA 1,074
Xbox 335


1. PS2 Tekken 5 - Namco - 174,000 (NEW)
2. PS2 Winning Eleven 8 Liveware Evolution - Konami - 67,000 (305,000)
3. NDS Touch! Kirby - Nintendo - 33,000 (108,000)
4. PS2 Wild Arms 4th Detonator - SCE - 27,000 (158,000)
5. PS2 Shining Force Neo - Sega - 18,000 (81,000)
6. PS2 Memories Off After Rain vol.3 Graduation special edition - Kid - 18,000 (NEW)
7. PS2 Dynasty Warriors 5 - Koei - 17,000 (842,000)
8. GBA Megaman EXE 5 Team of Colonel - Capcom - 12,000 (142,000)
9. NDS Egg Monster Hero - Square Enix - 12,000 (43,000)
10. PSP Bleach: Heat the Soul - SCE - 10,000 (47,000)
heh and again the ds is out selling the psp . Where is everyone that was saying the psp would over take the ds ?
heh and again the ds is out selling the psp . Where is everyone that was saying the psp would over take the ds ?
this just furthers my theory that inferior technology somehow makes a console sell better.

i think alot of the poeple who thought the psp's release would instantly put nintendo in the red also thought the psp would lauch at the same price (or lower) than the ds.
PS2 is out selling GC nearly 12 to 1 and GC is out selling XBox nearly 12 to 1. Obviously PS2's is the far more significant acheivement there :) Since its the only one of the three with truley good sales (brilliant in fact). Its just wierd that the three consoles are out selling each other by almost exactly the same ratio.
jvd said:
heh and again the ds is out selling the psp . Where is everyone that was saying the psp would over take the ds ?

Give it time, jvd, give it time. ;)

PSP is doing well considering its higher price and the fact that Sony is as yet unproven in the handheld market. I expect a little bit of an uphill climb for Sony at first, as these days, “Nintendo†may be as synonymous with “portable games†as it once was with the term “video games†itself.

But I think there’s more to it than that.

Now that I own a PSP, I can see quite plainly that it and the DS are aimed at different audiences. PSP is very sexy and high-end. Compared to DS, it’s almost fragile. I’m really dating myself with this analogy, but I liken it to a real turntable compared to the old Fisher Price plastic plaything I had when I was a kid. The real turntable is for adults. It’s expensive and refined. But the price will come down, and the kiddies will drop their play toys and graduate to it when they’re ready.

Perhaps Sony will need some time to convince people that portable game players aren’t just for kids – because that’s pretty much what the perception has been up to now. If and when they successfully reposition portable game players as “cool†(like they did with home consoles via PlayStation), look out. You can see for yourself the sales juggernaut that PS2 has become. Once Sony gains that amount of credibility in the portable market, they’ll be a tough customer for sure.

But for now, Nintendo rules the portable market and the DS enjoys a huge game library thanks to its backward compatibility. They can go a long way with that. But I think they’ll eventually be in trouble if they keep recycling the same kiddy-style games and allow Sony to build up a head of steam with the crazy-sexy, high-powered, and well-supported PSP.
I like when people claim that the ds is an infior device .

These are portable devices that means they need long battery life and in that case its the psp that is infior

Owning both I can tell you why the ds is selling so much better , its the price point , the releative time needed to have a fun experiance on the games . The ds games are more jump in and go and stop at any time games . They are also diffrent and lend themselves to a diffrent experiance than on the console . The psp is exactly like playing your ps2 but in your hand . This is good and bad in alot of cases and rebuying the same games again just hurts it
I like when people claim that the ds is an infior device .
the DS isn't an inferior device, but it does contain inferior technology compared to PSP. that doesn't make it a bad handheld system, i own a DS (and not a PSP, yet).

this is familiar ground for nintendo. imho the psp has a similar tech advantage compared to the DS that the lynx (or even the gamegear) had over the original gameboy. the gameboy won because of the games and the marketing. it'll be interesting to see haw the cards land this time around.
I’m really dating myself with this analogy, but I liken it to a real turntable compared to the old Fisher Price plastic plaything I had when I was a kid. The real turntable is for adults. It’s expensive and refined. But the price will come down, and the kiddies will drop their play toys and graduate to it when they’re ready.

Thats the most obnoxiously arrogant and dismissive comment I've seen for some time. Comparing a serious gaming device like DS to a replica toy is just nonesense. As is suggesting that DS owners are kids who will graduate to PSP when they're ready. I've never seen a poster who seems so reasonable most of the time yet makes such unreasonable comments when it comes to Nintendo.

A better comparison would be an expensive flashy looking turntable (PSP) vs a cheaper lower tech but longer lasting and more functional model (DS).
Teasy said:
I’m really dating myself with this analogy, but I liken it to a real turntable compared to the old Fisher Price plastic plaything I had when I was a kid. The real turntable is for adults. It’s expensive and refined. But the price will come down, and the kiddies will drop their play toys and graduate to it when they’re ready.

Thats the most obnoxiously arrogant and dismissive comment I've seen for some time.

Heh, you know I'm good for those, Teasy! :p

Look, I'm exaggerating. Yet to people like me (and there are a lot of us) who have for years looked down their noses at Gameboys and considered them childrens' toys, PSP is the right device at the right time: a serious piece of entertainment equipment that plays games and a lot more.

In marketing, perception is reality. And the perception for a lot of people, especially non-gamers, is that PSP is a sexy-cool portable while DS is a 10-year-old's play toy.

This is how PlayStation succeeded in 1995: by making console games "cool" and gaining them acceptance among a wider audience. Then the trickle-down effect took hold, wherein the kiddies saw what their big brothers were playing and said, "I want that, too!"

Sony looks to be trying the same strategy with PSP, and I think it's working. It worked on me. I wouldn't have been caught dead with a Gameboy. But I love my PSP.
jvd said:
Owning both I can tell you why the ds is selling so much better , its the price point.

PSP costs about the same as DS in Japan , atleast that's what I have understood.

edit: Hmm it seems that I had wrong information. DS is cheaper in Japan also.
see colon said:
this is familiar ground for nintendo. imho the psp has a similar tech advantage compared to the DS that the lynx (or even the gamegear) had over the original gameboy. the gameboy won because of the games and the marketing. it'll be interesting to see haw the cards land this time around.

but the lynx and the gamegear didn't appeal to adults, it was as "kiddy" as the gameboy.
Well, this image was made in spanish just for an spanish forum, but I suppose you understand it with no problem. I update it every week. ;)


PD: Only the japanese sales, as you can see.
but the lynx and the gamegear didn't appeal to adults, it was as "kiddy" as the gameboy.
i wouldn't say they were *as* kiddy as the gameboy. sega in particular had a more "hard edge" reputation at the time, and the gg got pretty faithfull ports of games like mortal kombat (the GB port of MK was a mess). i think the definition of "adult" has changed alot since then IRT gaming. most games were marketed to kids back then because that's where the market was. the adult gamers of today were the children gamers of yesterday. sports games were about the only ones that had universal appeal.
the DS isn't an inferior device, but it does contain inferior technology compared to PSP. that doesn't make it a bad handheld system, i own a DS (and not a PSP, yet).

I wouldn't even go so far to say it has "inferior" technology necessarily. It *does* have some nice features that the PSP lacks, and other features that are implemented better. It's just not in the same performance range as the PSP...

this is familiar ground for nintendo. imho the psp has a similar tech advantage compared to the DS that the lynx (or even the gamegear) had over the original gameboy. the gameboy won because of the games and the marketing. it'll be interesting to see haw the cards land this time around.

However, unlike Nintendo's previous competitors, the PSP is off to a roaring start. Plus it has excellent developer support. The real problem the DS faces though isn't so much the PSP (although that in itself is stiff enough competition), the thing that really hurts the DS is it's own sister platform the AGB. It's installed base is rather massive and the machines are still selling pretty well (well at least the SP incarnation), development for it is still quite active, and the DS can run the same software to boot. That makes developing DS native titles rather unattractive in comparison...