Japan charts: Media Create 28 Feb - 6 Mar #1

Ali-G said:
I'm just saying that its fine for a store to advertise DS as the handheld doing the best in Japan. Because its sold more systems then PSP since release. In fact its sold 50% more then PSP since the PSP itself was released.

No, it´s not fine to say that. This may be semantics, but when you say "the best selling product in Japan is the DS", it implies that CURRENTLY (that means now) the DS is doing better than the PSP, which is, well, not accurate.

If the store had said something similar to "So far, DS has sold more units than PSP", only then would that be accurate.

Anyway, the PSP will have outsold the DS by a considerable margin once the year is up, so all of this won´t really matter in the general situation. :D
No, it´s not fine to say that. This may be semantics, but when you say "the best selling product right now in Japan is the DS", it implies that CURRENTLY (that means now) the DS is doing better than the PSP, which is, well, not accurate.

Ds is the best selling . I has sold more units than the psp . It would only be a lie if the psp was selling moer each month and had a higher over all sales .

Or if your a sony fan and can't get over the fact that there are more sold ds's than psps
jvd said:
Ds is the best selling . I has sold more units than the psp . It would only be a lie if the psp was selling moer each month and had a higher over all sales .

Or if your a sony fan and can't get over the fact that there are more sold ds's than psps

You forgot to quote the part where I said, "this may be semantics". All I´m saying is that it´s not completely accurate to say "DS is the best selling handheld", since the PSP has been consistently selling better than the DS by more than two months now.

Anyway, like I said, this won´t really matter once the year is up. ;)
Anyway, like I said, this won´t really matter once the year is up

How are you so sure? Why do you act like you have a personal stake in PSP sales vs DS sales? What if DS sales pickup with the release of software people have been waiting for? Also you forget that DS has been released in Europe and Australia while PSP has not giving DS another jump on PSP in worldwide sales. What if PSP sales slow down due to the US prices being higher? I don't know too many people in the US who thinks the $250 PSP price is reasonable. ;)
No, it´s not fine to say that. This may be semantics, but when you say "the best selling product in Japan is the DS", it implies that CURRENTLY (that means now) the DS is doing better than the PSP, which is, well, not accurate.

You can also say that when you say something is the best selling product it means the product that's sold more to date. As I said it just depends on how you want to read it. Lack of clarity doesn't make something wrong. Now if the store said "DS is selling best in recent weeks" that would be wrong. But otherwise its a case of interpretation and perspective.

Anyway, the PSP will have outsold the DS by a considerable margin once the year is up, so all of this won´t really matter in the general situation

Want to put money on that? ;) At its current rate it will take PSP over 12 months just to catch DS in Japan. But to be honest I doubt it'll even have enough stock to do that by then. What with US and European launches to support in the mean time.
PC-Engine said:
Anyway, like I said, this won´t really matter once the year is up

How are you so sure? Why do you act like you have a personal stake in PSP sales vs DS sales? What if DS sales pickup with the release of software people have been waiting for? Also you forget that DS has been released in Europe and Australia while PSP has not giving DS another jump on PSP in worldwide sales. What if PSP sales slow down due to the US prices being higher? I don't know too many people in the US who thinks the $250 PSP price is reasonable. ;)

Well, we don't want to give people the idea that PSP is "$250" . PSP plus some extra junk a.k.a the value pack :p is $250 which is all sony seems to be offering right now.
Well yeah but AFAICS, PSP is selling well because of the cheaper package. The more expensive package isn't moving too well.
Anyway, like I said, this won´t really matter once the year is up. Wink
psp is going to need a huge sales spike to take over the ds in japan . And the ds can't have any sales spikes which will happen as the wifi enabled ds games start coming out in a few months
Hehe and the WiFi service is......FREE! Heck using Pictochat as a IM over the internet would already be a nice feature.
PC-Engine said:
Well yeah but AFAICS, PSP is selling well because of the cheaper package. The more expensive package isn't moving too well.

my friends in japan disagree. a month ago, valuepack psp's were dificult to find in japan but standart pack you could find more easely. now you can find both packs everywhere
Ali-G said:
You can also say that when you say something is the best selling product it means the product that's sold more to date. As I said it just depends on how you want to read it. Lack of clarity doesn't make something wrong. Now if the store said "DS is selling best in recent weeks" that would be wrong. But otherwise its a case of interpretation and perspective.

Well, I didn´t say it was 100% wrong, just that there´s a few things that make the statement accurate.:)

Want to put money on that? ;) At its current rate it will take PSP over 12 months just to catch DS in Japan. But to be honest I doubt it'll even have enough stock to do that by then. What with US and European launches to support in the mean time.

I can´t put money on it, but I can go with a ban-bet, GAF style. j/k:LOL:

Well,with current sales trends in Japan, I don´t think DS will be able to keep its position. And well, I think that it´s better for the industry to have PSP dominate.

Don´t take this personal, but I think DS is a machine with crappy capabilities masked with a gimmick and I don´t feel it deserves to do well because of that. Nintendo should have came up with something better to compete with PSP, DS just feels too much like a knee jerk reaction to it.
hey69 said:
PC-Engine said:
Well yeah but AFAICS, PSP is selling well because of the cheaper package. The more expensive package isn't moving too well.

my friends in japan disagree. a month ago, valuepack psp's were dificult to find in japan but standart pack you could find more easely. now you can find both packs everywhere

Maybe the stores are stocking more of the standard packs because they know they can move them easier? ;)

Don´t take this personal, but I think DS is a machine with crappy capabilities masked with a gimmick and I don´t feel it deserves to do well because of that. Nintendo should have came up with something better to compete with PSP, DS just feels too much like a knee jerk reaction to it.

And if PSP2 includes a touchscreen? Oh I know, it will be the best thing since sliced bread right? :LOL:
Well,with current sales trends in Japan, I don´t think DS will be able to keep its position. And well, I think that it´s better for the industry to have PSP dominate.

One system dominating is never good for the industry, so I don't want either to dominate. I just want my choice to be competetive or just in the lead to keep my games coming. BTW I'd take either bet. No way could your prediction of PSP being well ahead by the end of the year come true :)

Don´t take this personal, but I think DS is a machine with crappy capabilities masked with a gimmick and I don´t feel it deserves to do well because of that. Nintendo should have came up with something better to compete with PSP, DS just feels too much like a knee jerk reaction to it.

Do you have a DS or have you spent much time playing some of its games? Have you really tried to think of games that could/will be made to make use of its features? One persons gimmick is another persons feature after all. In my opinion PSP is quite a boring system, its design is all style and no imagination. But it would be stupid for me to say that it doesn't deserve to sell like your saying about DS. Other people will get more then a passing interest out of PSP's graphics and look so to them that's not a gimmick. Just like other people will get a lot of fun out of DS's features and can see the potential of games to come. Both systems are good worth while handhelds, neither of them don't deserve to sell and neither has a devine right to sell more then the other.
PC-Engine said:
hey69 said:
PC-Engine said:
Well yeah but AFAICS, PSP is selling well because of the cheaper package. The more expensive package isn't moving too well.

my friends in japan disagree. a month ago, valuepack psp's were dificult to find in japan but standart pack you could find more easely. now you can find both packs everywhere

Maybe the stores are stocking more of the standard packs because they know they can move them easier? ;)

Don´t take this personal, but I think DS is a machine with crappy capabilities masked with a gimmick and I don´t feel it deserves to do well because of that. Nintendo should have came up with something better to compete with PSP, DS just feels too much like a knee jerk reaction to it.

And if PSP2 includes a touchscreen? Oh I know, it will be the best thing since sliced bread right? :LOL:

about the psp part, i wanted to order 10psps to send them over and aparently most shops handle a 1 PSP / customer . are psp's sold at their maximum or is this a fake suply demand game sony plays?