Matrox "Prepares PCI Express x16 Graphics Processor

It's the SUPAH PARUHIRIAH! With support of up to 5 monitors for wrap-around gaming, and color so vivid you'll vomit! :p

Ok, I think that's out of my system now... Hehe. Would be lovely for Matrox to come up with something useful, but considering just how nil their next plans have been, I don't expect much. Likely not a consumer-grade card at all. (Rather like the Parhelia, eh? ;) )
God I hope this turns out to be somtehing good. The Parhelia was aimed at the high-end, just failed.

The same core, raised to 8 pipes, 3.0 sharders and fixing the few errors in FAA built on a .13um process could end up quite nice.

They are in desperate need of a new memory controller too I suppose, and some sort of bandwidth saving tech wouldnt hurt.

If Matrox dont come out with a DX9 card at least one generation before Longhorn, then they are most likely out of the game all together, and that would be very sad.
It'll be the G800 or something. No 3D stuff whatsoever, just 2D and ultracheap (and ultrahigh quality 2D).
I doubt it will be ultra cheap. Matrox have never done anything cheap before. Even their 'budget' cards like the old mystiques were expensive compared to the competition.
The Baron said:
It'll be the G800 or something. No 3D stuff whatsoever, just 2D and ultracheap (and ultrahigh quality 2D).

I'm pretty sure thats what most people want anyway. Matrox has never been known for decent 3D gaming. 2D on the other hand is as close to perfect as possible.
The Baron said:
It'll be the G800 or something. No 3D stuff whatsoever, just 2D and ultracheap (and ultrahigh quality 2D).

I couldn't find this card, even in the Matrox shop. It is a Matrox G series card, right?
Quitch said:
The Baron said:
It'll be the G800 or something. No 3D stuff whatsoever, just 2D and ultracheap (and ultrahigh quality 2D).

I couldn't find this card, even in the Matrox shop. It is a Matrox G series card, right?

You are kidding, right?

There hasn't been a G card from Matrox in quite a while, the G550 being the latest...

This is just the "regular" hype/hope about Matrox that comes around every now and then, and The Baron giving a likely comment on what the next-gen card from Matrox really will be, and not what we hope it'll be...

Allthough I do think they'll include some 3d functions to make sure that they're Longhorn compatible....
Otherwise they'll loose quite a lot of their customers... (Not that that has stopped them in the past :-/)

But the speculations about the next Matrox card are allways funny imo..
Since they only release a new card every 3 years or so, people has higher expectations on what they're doing...

*slips away to read old speculations from MURC*
Waltar said:
I'm pretty sure thats what most people want anyway. Matrox has never been known for decent 3D gaming. 2D on the other hand is as close to perfect as possible.
They were up there for a bit with the G400 boards (though definitely not a "killer" card), but got quickly overcome anyway, so it wasn't much of a blip all told. <shrugs>
Oooh, let's hope the new card will come with Headcasting v2.0! :p

Seriously, it would be nice to see something competitive from Matrox. If they come up with another Parhelia, then it begs the question of why they bother pretending to be in the gaming area, when they make fantastic 2D workstation cards and should perhaps stick to those.
cthellis42 said:
Waltar said:
I'm pretty sure thats what most people want anyway. Matrox has never been known for decent 3D gaming. 2D on the other hand is as close to perfect as possible.
They were up there for a bit with the G400 boards (though definitely not a "killer" card), but got quickly overcome anyway, so it wasn't much of a blip all told. <shrugs>

^^ actually it was a "killer" card at its launch. It bested the TNT2 and reigned supreme... for all of about... 9o9; four months. That was there only time on the throne. It was a kick ass card though, I had it back at the time and loved it. It was tough moving to another company.... I wanted to be Matrox loyal, but they didn't release anything that justified loyalty there-after.
MrGaribaldi said:
But the speculations about the next Matrox card are allways funny imo..
Since they only release a new card every 3 years or so, people has higher expectations on what they're doing...

I thought I read somewhere on Matrox Forums that Haig from Matrox said they had no plans for Pixel Shaders 2.0 for the time being, let alone Shaders 3.0, their next card would still have PS 1.3 support only.
keegdsb said:
Haig would never be that specific.

Yes, that strikes me as very uncharateristic for Haig...

Would you be so kind as to link to it?
I couldn't find anything about it on neither Murc nor Matrox support forums...

(If such a post exists it would signal a change in attitude from Matrox with regards to what their employees are allowed to say... Which would be nice ;))
OICAspork said:
cthellis42 said:
Waltar said:
I'm pretty sure thats what most people want anyway. Matrox has never been known for decent 3D gaming. 2D on the other hand is as close to perfect as possible.
They were up there for a bit with the G400 boards (though definitely not a "killer" card), but got quickly overcome anyway, so it wasn't much of a blip all told. <shrugs>

^^ actually it was a "killer" card at its launch. It bested the TNT2 and reigned supreme... for all of about... 9o9; four months. That was there only time on the throne. It was a kick ass card though, I had it back at the time and loved it. It was tough moving to another company.... I wanted to be Matrox loyal, but they didn't release anything that justified loyalty there-after.

Bested TNT2 in what? Image quality and features, yes. Speed? Probably. But wouldn't the voodoo 3 be out around that time and best both in speed, be close to the image quality of the g400, and be really lacking in features?(well, it lacked 32 bit color, multi texturing with trilinear, texture compression, and large texture support, though honestly I think most of that stuff is only making a difference within the last year or two)

Too bad Matrox couldn't come out with a card competitive to 9700 pro or 5900 fx(or even the mid range cards from ATI and nvidia), they would have gotten a lot of sales just for people looking for an alternative, plus matrox seems to have a lot of people willing to buy their cards if they can just provide something competitive.
Fox5 said:
OICAspork said:
cthellis42 said:
Waltar said:
I'm pretty sure thats what most people want anyway. Matrox has never been known for decent 3D gaming. 2D on the other hand is as close to perfect as possible.
They were up there for a bit with the G400 boards (though definitely not a "killer" card), but got quickly overcome anyway, so it wasn't much of a blip all told. <shrugs>

^^ actually it was a "killer" card at its launch. It bested the TNT2 and reigned supreme... for all of about... 9o9; four months. That was there only time on the throne. It was a kick ass card though, I had it back at the time and loved it. It was tough moving to another company.... I wanted to be Matrox loyal, but they didn't release anything that justified loyalty there-after.

Bested TNT2 in what? Image quality and features, yes. Speed? Probably. But wouldn't the voodoo 3 be out around that time and best both in speed, be close to the image quality of the g400, and be really lacking in features?(well, it lacked 32 bit color, multi texturing with trilinear, texture compression, and large texture support, though honestly I think most of that stuff is only making a difference within the last year or two)

Too bad Matrox couldn't come out with a card competitive to 9700 pro or 5900 fx(or even the mid range cards from ATI and nvidia) in the long time it's been since their release and even longer for the parhelia, they would have gotten a lot of sales just for people looking for an alternative, plus matrox seems to have a lot of people willing to buy their cards if they can just provide something competitive.
I was pretty sure that the G400 MAX bested a TNT2 Ultra, the Voodoo 3, and was even able to compete with the GF256 SDR when paired with a fast processor.
Clashman said:
I was pretty sure that the G400 MAX bested a TNT2 Ultra, the Voodoo 3, and was even able to compete with the GF256 SDR when paired with a fast processor.
In some cases, not in all. At the time I remember it being good, but not a card that trumped everything else in all cases. (Though I was paying less attention back then.) You can still find lingering reviews and compare even now; there's a bit of flip-flopping, their OGL performance was not too hot, and none of their wins was a blowout, so while the final verdict was "solid contender" I don't think--as I said before--that it was ever considered a "killer" card.

I remember wanting one more for driver and image quality, and feature reasons at the time. (Though this was coming from friend recommendations and fewer sources than I would use nowadays, so I don't actually know how those all stacked up back then. ^_^ )