I've played ME: A 131 hours so far (singleplayer) and I wonder about the lack of these bugs. There is a lot in this game I have to criticize but these called bugs are not a part of it. Sound problems (wrong positional audio) only occurred in stereo.
The gameplay in ME: A is very good. The old titles are much worse.
I find the writing okay with the important dialogues. From my point of view this is also not a problem but the animations. To mention Zelda as a comparison is a bit funny to me. This has often a senseless "bla bla bla" language and only a few speakers.
I can not take the press seriously.
I'm not press though, I'm a seriously middle aged computer game player who have played dozens and dozens of crpgs and shooters both, and my verdict is that I regret buying Mass Effect Andromeda, and I begrudge it the time I've spent watching/listening to the game playing with itself.
I trust that the bugs will be ironed out over time. The other issues with the game go deeper though.
The PC menu interface is atrocious. Animation issues are pervasive. Why does everyone walk with crooked legs like an orangutan and feet rotated outward? Why do I get locked into spaces by NPCs blocking my way and not moving out of the way? Even in such basic aspects, the game is actually a regression vs. its 10 year older predecessor, not to mention modern games.
Worse is that you have to listen to interminable amounts of voice acting, which is probably why it is delivered in such a bored fashion. There is just too much time spent not playing, but sitting passively watching the game play with itself whether locked into inane dialogs, or watching transportation animations, or...
Top it off with a setting and story that struggles/fails to engage and at its best feels like a rehash of the original series only more lightweight and you are left with a game that isn't worth spending time on.
All IMHO obviously.
I'm thoroughly disappointed. I thought the reviews exaggerated and that I would get into the game. I didn't though. Once I started to stand up and do other stuff during dialogs, or [space] through them even though it meant not really understanding or caring what the responses I was offered actually meant, I knew it was game over for me.
Other people are free to enjoy whatever they please. I just want to warn people who are on the fence that it might be wise to let some time pass, and see if you can pick up a polished version at a later date at a much lower price. It won't be long before it's in the bargain bins.