Martial Arts

Why do you think that traditional martial arts don't work in actual combat?

Don't do Martial Arts for actual combat, you'll be dissapointed. But do it for fun, or conditioning or something else maybe competition.

Also you should look at your personnality and physical ability to pick which to start of with. Like Judo, for example you'll probably do nothing but practice taking fall.

TaiChi you'll be given sets and stuff, it can get boring, but if internal stuff interest you, really nothings beat TaiChi, oh make sure you get a certefied instructor in Chen style, at least Chen style was actually used for the self defense of Chen village from bandits, and that village survive till today, so the style probably work.

If you like contact, go take boxing or Thai kick boxing, it'll probably more fun for you.
I joined a great gym while I was in college. Our teacher was a very informal guy, taught by Dan Inosanto (Bruce Lee's best friend) and also Master Chai of muay Thai fame.

He had a section of the class devoted to more traditional, formal arts, with forms and such. He also taught another group in a more informal manner, where we learned how to "fight".

He explained that some people liked the structure and the tradition of the formal arts, but some people just wanted to become really good fighters. Two different things entirely, as those who have written above have attested.

We practiced a mix of Thai boxing, Kali, and BJJ, with some "Jeet Kune Do concepts" thrown in to tie them together.

We had a few guys that fought frequently "in the ring" out of our gym, and some that did it occasionally (as did I).

Point being: There is no comparison between a "fighter" and a "martial artist". Apples to Oranges.
I have to agree that the punch to the throat is devastating, but it is kinda scary too. Once some guy who was pissed at me for unknown reasons, or trying to impress his frineds or something hit me in the back with no warning, I swung around and accidentally connected with his throat b/c he was taller than I thought and I was aiming in fury for his face...anyway down he goes and can't breathe and I was like shit I hope I didn't kill him.. but anyway I tend to try and avoid fighting,
I've taken many martial arts. AFAICS, they are more or less all bs for real fighting unless you actually have one that has full contact/no holds barred sparring involved.

Thats the real litmus test imo. All the other important things in a martial arts has to be right in order for that to take place.

I mean too often I've seen so called uber kungfu guys get in a sparring match with some MMA guy. Of course, what he has practised and what he is actually doing is completely different. It ends up looking not a thing like kungfu.

So I recommend Jujitsu for fighting, mixed in with some proper athletic training (weights, stretching, cardio, etc), as well as some boxing/kickboxing.
I have nothing to add regarding how good martial arts are for real fighting, since I'm not into it. But a coworker recently mentioned a funny thing that had happened to him once when he was active in a karate club. On a night out, a friend of his and another guy (rather drunk) bumped into each other. Being the nice and cool person he is, he did his best to sooth the now angry drunk guy. But the result was just that the guy stood close up to his face saying "You'd better watch out, I'm training karate."

The calm reply: Yes, I know. I'm your instructor.
The guy never showed up in class again. :D