THAT is the key question here. Will Sony bother to market it. And even if they do, will they actually do a good job of it?
I tried the game recently at the EG expo and it didn't impress me at all, as it came across as a muddy-looking slightly sub-standard shooter. Which, on the surface, is exactly what it is.
But it's not a pickupandplay game that can grab people within a few minutes. I haven't had a chance at the beta, but I've read enough to be of the opinion that the game needs some player dedication, along with a willingness to work in a team, for it to shine at all. I was actually disappointed at the Expo that Sony couldn't even be bothered to send a minion from their London office to oversee the demo being played, to give insight into the team ethic the game requires, the need for tactical play, etc.
Pretty much everyone I spoke to after their 10 mins or so with the game was less than impressed. But of course, given the nature of the title, that's all they were ever going to be after 10 mins with it and no guidance from a developer rep.
Just seeing it won't make it stand out in a crowded genre. And trying to play it while figuring out how it works just makes it seem chaotic. The game is incredibly overwhelming for newcomers. And the training mission is still locked in the beta.
Since the last phase of the beta started there have been a lot of new players. While most of older players have, I suspect, moved to MW2. I haven't seen anyone playing under a clantag all day yesterday. As a result the game has become a lot more chaotic, and there is a lot less teamwork. Before about half the players had headsets, now I'm lucky if I'm not the only one in my squad with a headset.
Really the only way to show MAG's strengths is to have people play it for a longer period of time, and have a proper training mission to explain it all.