Chances are it's the same map. Each PMC has only 1 map per gamemode. But with the Domination being so huge, and the 256 players divided over squads of 8 with each their own starting point, it gets a bit hard to tell where in that massive battlefield you are.
I see. Thanks for clarifying.
Squadleaders should keep you updated on what to do. Of course a lot of them can't because they haven't got a headset. The FRAGO's are there to show the squad their next objective, but there were also plenty of squad leaders that didn't know how to use them. Hopefully the full game has proper training missions for stuff like that.
I was thinking the system should give a more detailed summary while I was waiting to be respawned. The MAG HUD is very useful in terms of who control what, and where the conflicts are. However, a historic view would be helpful too.
It may be asking for too much compared to past FPS games. However the unbalanced SVER map made me realize that there may be another dimension to FPS that developers can explore.
If the developers want us random players to work together, give us simple cue to make us arrive at the same conclusion. A lot of time I was out of touch with the rest of the folks because I didn't know what's going on. Even if I wanted to chat with other players, none of us had a good picture, or was convincing enough to lead others. So we went on our own businesses.
A few times, I ended up talking to people with troubled and young/squeaky voice.

Occasionally, I worked with people who really knew what they were doing. Essentially, they were shouting short but authoritative commands. In which case, I duely shut up and followed orders. If the PS3 targets 18 and above, teammates may want to know more before following.
Doing something against things that are giving you trouble usually involves blowing the correct objective. As an attacker keeping the defenders from bombarding you, requires you to blow up their mortars. To enable the forward spawn and your own airstrikes, you need to blow up their anti-air. More things a good squad leader should know to effectively fight the enemies.
I think they should give squad leaders the ability to set multiple FRAGO's. Right now they can set only 1, so there is only place that squad can get the XP bonus. And all mindlessly rushing towards that objective isn't necessarily the best way to complete it. For example, taking objective B on SVER Sabotage is a lot easier if you can also hold the far right wall where sniper like to defend B from. Setting an extra FRAGO on something that isn't a direct objective would let squad leaders communicate their tactics even without a headset.
Anyway, the beta is over now. I can't wait to see what improvements are made in the full game.
Ok... are you in US or EU ? The GAF folks, US and EU, play the latest and greatest, I can't keep up with them (They are too good and I don't play frequently enough to justify a clan position compared to the very avid players. ^_^). I like deep and lonely games more recently.
EDIT: I agree it would be very interesting to see what the developers' solutions are.