look at NVIDIA.com

yea I guess. Nvidia sniping has become so easy over the last year it's not like it's exactly fun any more.

On another note wonder if the demos will run on ati this time without a wrapper.
webmedic said:
On another note wonder if the demos will run on ati this time without a wrapper.
I assume they'll use PS3.0, which might make getting them to run on a Radeon a little harder.
John Reynolds said:
nobie said:
It's a subtle hint that NV40 will require water cooling :]

This also includes the one liner sniping comments against your least favourite IHV.

Raise the bar, guys.

:LOL: I'm probably more intolerant than you are when it comes to ATI/nVidia/whoever bashing, but that water cooling joke was kinda funny. :)
webmedic said:
On another note wonder if the demos will run on ati this time without a wrapper.
nVidia usually posts OpenGL demos, and given that nVidia has already announced their proprietary extensions, you can be sure that the GeForce 6800 demos will use those proprietary extensions.

So providing a wrapper will be necessary for them to run on ATI cards, and non-trivial. Since the GeForce 6800 apparently supports some significant pixel processing functionality that the Radeon X800 lacks, there may be some problems (esp. with FP blending/filtering, possibly with branching/shader lengths).
Speaking of PR... what's with the plural on "sense"...? :oops:
Can you now feel the bump maps with the NV40 or what?

( John, notice how I steered clear of the audible implications? ;) )
On another note wonder if the demos will run on ati this time without a wrapper.

If the Demo Supports PS 3.0 /VS 3.0 and ATI does not, then they will likely not be able to create a wrapper. Possible if they convert the shades to 2.x and that means they will be extremely large especially if NVidia uses a lot of lights in them. Atleast from Information I gather from WinHEC notes from NVidia.
hstewarth said:
On another note wonder if the demos will run on ati this time without a wrapper.

If the Demo Supports PS 3.0 /VS 3.0 and ATI does not, then they will likely not be able to create a wrapper. Possible if they convert the shades to 2.x and that means they will be extremely large especially if NVidia uses a lot of lights in them. Atleast from Information I gather from WinHEC notes from NVidia.

What's funny is that the old GFFX demos ran faster on ATI hardware with the wrapper. It would be a real win for NV this time to make their demos run on ATI hardware, but very slowly. Maybe include a "compatibility mode" with PS 2.0.
Something has gone wrong with the formatting of nvidia's home page: even at 4096x1536, I get a horizontal scroll bar.