Longest you've been without sleep.

DeanoC said:
Longest non-stop working has been 2-3 days. 50-60 hours non-stop programming is not good. I remember once hallucinating on the train going home after an E3 demo, and another time I had to be driven home by a friend (because I wasn't fit to drive).

It used to be that at least one night a week I wouldn't sleep at all, but now I'm more normal (most of the time).

great industry isnt it....

did my first all nighter after working for about 9 months... "they" then decided to change their minds about the legals, so some art needed changing,,, had the "final date" been real,, no it hadnt... of course now after being up, it took me *ages* to make the build , i tend not to agree now to all nighters , it's a waste.....
Around the 100 hour mark, though I do that basically a few times a month. In all practicality, I've been awake for several years. Wreaks havok on both body and mind, and I really advise against it.


Iridius Dio
Nodds in shame.... I was up really late again so the usual boredom kicked in and this happened... weeps... I get so bored I can actually justify filling out email surveys. I soooo need help.


Iridius Dio
sunscar said:
I get so bored I can actually justify filling out email surveys.
OMMFG, that is scary! :oops:

I do know how ya feel as I've been there before, but I haven't had that problem since having kids. :?
woke up for school friday morning at 6am, went to a lan party that night, didn't sleep the entire party, went home monday morning to drop off my computer, then went to school, crashed as soon as i got back home. i guess thats somewhere near 80 hours.

i slept for like 14 hours straight after that.

played doom2, quake, and starcraft until my wrist was throbbing. that was an awesome lan party.

i cant do that crap any more. i stayed up 32 hours yesterday. got completely destroyed drunk that night and eventually passed out. that was the longest ive stayed up in a while.
Woke up for work on a Thursday at 6am and went to sleep that night at 1am(sorting out my PC). On the Friday i woke up at 6am then went to work. From work went to a LAN which went though the night into Saturday afternoon which I then left to goto another LAN and that went right through to sunday afternoon. I got to bed at 5pm.

So if you count ..
From Thursday morning that would be 83 hours with only 5 hours sleep.
From Friday Morning that would be 59 hours with no sleep.
