linux permissions


hey all, just have a question on a permission on a directory in mandrake 10 community. im having troubles getting a cable login (bigpond cable) to run on the OS. everytime i try to run the login, a permission denial causes a error, that wont let me connect. the directory is /var/lock/subsys/bpalogin where bpalogin is the file for the login. i tryed changing the permissions on it both in root and normal user modes. but the OS wont allow me to change the permissions on the /var/lock/subsys directory.

does anyone know how i can overcome this?

I don't know if I can be of any help as I don't run mandrake and my broadband goes via a router, but when I used to use a dial-up modem on SuSE, the users had to be added to a "dialup" group in order to have permission to run the scripts etc.

Might be worth looking to see if the same sort of idea applies in your case.