Life, the Universe, and Everything


Discuss, what's new in your life? Events? Anything happen? Or just feel like typing some thoughts?

I got a Cell phone today :p Gorgeous gorgeous critter, two color screens, camera....... :oops:

Alls going better than anticipated here, it's summer, I've got a huge mound of cash still from my last job, I'm leaving for Hawaii on the 17th for two weeks 8)

Been there before a few years back, that time for 3 weeks, but I'm gonna love it even more.
My brother is coming to visit from Hawaii this weekend, he's lived out there about a decade now.

I'm really looking forward to seeing my bro, he is one year older than me and we've always been close....he also is the guy who got me into computers and I still got him on a bit of a pedestal in that respect that now keeps cracking him up. :oops: (Realistically I know a bit more about PCs than my bro, but I still can't design/build a logic circuit the way he does!)

We plan to do some Doom3 LAN action, I look forward to it.

Oh, and my sister who is 3 years older than me is coming up from Atlanta for the weekend...a birthday of hers or something. :rolleyes: ;)

And everybody is bringing their kids. :oops:

So we'll have 3 little 4 year old girls from 3 different sibs finally all getting to play together, I'm REALLY looking forward to that bit! :D
umm.... Life? where I can download a demo version? full has some crappy copy protection anyways that breaks things up.

;) well, things happened in my life lately? umm... let me see...
well, I woke up, eat something, took my bike and cycled to work. got some meal at local fast food place and got myself back in work. soon go to home, get something to eat, watch a bit telly or take one match in Settlers3 over VPN and get back to sleep.

It is not really like in the movies with excitement and all, but wait 'til Assembly 2004 gets started on thursday... :) ;)
I've started to look after myself a bit better. I'm eating properly (more vegetables, nuts, pulses, wholegrains and less convenience food) and also started to excercise more (I swim 3 times a week, walk to work and do other gym stuff). Does this mean I'm having a mid-life crisis? :)
2nd day at work after summer holiday.

During holiday I stayed up til 3 or 4 am, now I have to go to bed around 12 pm and wake up at 6 am. Can't get sleep anyway until 3 or 4 am, so I get only 2-3 hours sleep.

Today I fell asleep for a few seconds at work, fortunately nobody noticed.

I want my summer holiday back! I wasn't finished yet! :cry:

Edit: is it correct to say 12pm when I mean 24:00 at night? Or should it be 12am??
Diplo said:
I've started to look after myself a bit better. I'm eating properly (more vegetables, nuts, pulses, wholegrains and less convenience food) and also started to excercise more (I swim 3 times a week, walk to work and do other gym stuff). Does this mean I'm having a mid-life crisis? :)
No, it means you've decided to not have a mid-life death. ;)

I've been slacking off working out the last few weeks due to low energy levels from lack of sleep, now that I'm getting caught up on my sleep I really gotta start working out again. (Doom3 is NOT helping me get more sleep. :rolleyes: )
I'm off to beautiful golden beaches, pure blue waters, gorgeous guys (and girls, admittedly), wonderful food in Sardinia next week. Enough said. I'm counting the seconds.

Tomorrow one of my best friend is coming from Italy, and we're off to sardinia together next week until september....

Now, work is finished, off home.
london-boy said:
I'm off to beautiful golden beaches, pure blue waters, gorgeous guys (and girls, admittedly), wonderful food in Sardinia next week. Enough said. I'm counting the seconds.

Tomorrow one of my best friend is coming from Italy, and we're off to sardinia together next week until september....

Now, work is finished, off home.

Have fun on your vacation! :)
Isn't the answer to the meaning of life 44? Me a buddy had an argument about the answer the other day but didn't have the book handy to look it up to see who was right. Anyway, if the answer is 44 thats what I have been up to.
101998 said:
Isn't the answer to the meaning of life 44? Me a buddy had an argument about the answer the other day but didn't have the book handy to look it up to see who was right. Anyway, if the answer is 44 thats what I have been up to.

I've always been behind. 43 for me.
rabidrabbit said:
and l-b, don't lie.
................. I never lie!

(by the way, did anyone notice how effective those new office policies were..... lasted 2 days without posting here... now back at full power!!)
I've been reading 300-400 pages daily over the web in my free time, during the summer. I've also read about 2 dozen mags, and a few books. I feel, almost like an entirely different person, as if many years had actually passed in the span of a few months.

I now have a clearer picture of what I must do to achieve my goals. As time goes by, the moves that I must make to attain that which I desire become ever more obvious. The seemingly impossible seems ever more plausible.

Now for some quotes:

"Nothing is to wonderful to be true"- Faraday

"I teach you the overman," Nietzsche had said. "Man is something that shall be overcome. What have you done to overcome him?"

"We see this need for transcendence deeply built into humanity," said Max More. "That's why we have all these religious myths. It seems to be something inherent in us that we want to move beyond what we see as our limits. In the past we haven't had the technology to do that, and right now we're in this difficult period where we don't quite have the technology yet, but we can see it coming."

"Our study provides evidence in a comparatively simple animal model that changes in the activity of a single gene profoundly can change a fundamental social behavior of animals within a species," says Yerkes researcher Larry Young

"It is intriguing to consider that individual differences in vasopressin receptors in humans might play a role in how differently people form relationships," says Young.

In addition, past research in humans has shown that the same neural pathways involved in forming romantic relationships are involved in drug addiction, says Yerkes researcher Miranda Lim.

"The brain process of bonding with one's partner may be similar to becoming addicted to drugs: Both activate reward circuits in the brain," says Lim.

"In the coming decade we will see body amplifiers that expand human endurance and strength," says Berkeley professor Homayoon Kazerooni. "We will see novel transportation devices that do not rely on wheels, where our own limbs are augmented, where we can traverse very rough terrains with a very high metabolic economy or efficiency. I predict that people for certain situations will not want to use wheels anymore, because their legs, augmented by technology, far outperform wheeled vehicles."