I've been reading 300-400 pages daily over the web in my free time, during the summer. I've also read about 2 dozen mags, and a few books. I feel, almost like an entirely different person, as if many years had actually passed in the span of a few months.
I now have a clearer picture of what I must do to achieve my goals. As time goes by, the moves that I must make to attain that which I desire become ever more obvious. The seemingly impossible seems ever more plausible.
Now for some quotes:
"Nothing is to wonderful to be true"- Faraday
"I teach you the overman," Nietzsche had said. "Man is something that shall be overcome. What have you done to overcome him?"
"We see this need for transcendence deeply built into humanity," said Max More. "That's why we have all these religious myths. It seems to be something inherent in us that we want to move beyond what we see as our limits. In the past we haven't had the technology to do that, and right now we're in this difficult period where we don't quite have the technology yet, but we can see it coming."
"Our study provides evidence in a comparatively simple animal model that changes in the activity of a single gene profoundly can change a fundamental social behavior of animals within a species," says Yerkes researcher Larry Young
"It is intriguing to consider that individual differences in vasopressin receptors in humans might play a role in how differently people form relationships," says Young.
In addition, past research in humans has shown that the same neural pathways involved in forming romantic relationships are involved in drug addiction, says Yerkes researcher Miranda Lim.
"The brain process of bonding with one's partner may be similar to becoming addicted to drugs: Both activate reward circuits in the brain," says Lim.
"In the coming decade we will see body amplifiers that expand human endurance and strength," says Berkeley professor Homayoon Kazerooni. "We will see novel transportation devices that do not rely on wheels, where our own limbs are augmented, where we can traverse very rough terrains with a very high metabolic economy or efficiency. I predict that people for certain situations will not want to use wheels anymore, because their legs, augmented by technology, far outperform wheeled vehicles."