Learning programming languages *split*

It depends if there's any truth to the possibility of agi, and superintelligent agi. If such is possible, it may come to pass that a program will be able to better tell what you want, and even override what you've asked with what's actually best for your particular problem, a task which may exceed your capacity.

I believe it's not impossible to figure out what one might want based on one's past behavior (or, maybe even a brain scan?), but if it's accurate to, say, 95%, then I'd say it probably has its own consciousness :)
Sure there are better ways, for example inverting the conditionals to bring the error messages next to the corresponding check. But does the existence of better alternative warrant calling it "horrible"? Is this an aesthetic judgment?

It doesn't read well, doesn't test well, and it's hard to maintain.

I've been working on my example project a lot, applying DDD, CQRS, Event/Command Sourcing, and implementing MongoDB as an alternative repository to prove that the repository abstraction works properly. So far it's turning out really well, I think. I want to get the Angular 2 UI side right as well, following the same DDD principles there, and then I'll probably return to writing more blogs about it / finish a book I started a while ago (which intends to summarize and explain what best practices I consider to be near universal as a programmer).

I've already been invited to give a training about this at work, which I really look forward to. I hope that I'll be able to teach this to some kids later as well. My son is nearly old enough, I think.
given the fact that Arwin talked about writing a book himself -my best wishes regarding that-, I gotta say that I went back to the book "Begin to Code with C#", because I read it but hadn't completed the exercises from chapter 10 onwards, and for a book with such a high quality I am very keen to practice and make those exercises.
Can some old scholl programmers answer a question
what language/compiler/ide would likely contain a files called
include "_stddata.ah"
include "_tsrres.ah"
include "_dcon.ah"
include "_tsrinit.ah"
include "_cmdline.ah"
include "_console.ah"
include "_process.ah"
include "_test.ah"
include "_irq.ah"
include "_vcpi.ah"
include "_cpu.ah"
Yep. My reference project backend (Software-Management-Core) requires it :)
Well, after just sleeping like 1 hour and a half yesterday I finished reading a second time -and practicing all the exercises- in the Begin to Code with C# book by Rob Miles. Those 30€ have been a very good investment.

It's a great book for beginners...it features very useful tips and tricks for programmers, even professional ones, and you learn a lot from it.

The book has a free appendix, :smile2:teaching you how to make professional programs like any developer that might be useful even if you are an expert. It teaches about XAML and GUIs and complex programs with data binding, etc. The pdf and the exercises are free and can be found here:


I wholeheartedly recommend it even if you are an expert programmer.
for those who are starting, I WHOLEHEARTEDLY recommend Sololearn quiz style way of learning. There is a Sololearn app for most of the popular languages in ther website and also as an app for your phone. I am quite impressed with it, actually, there is a version for iOS, WP and Android, plus their website below. Really good stuff.

Back into Sololearn, I started the C# course just out of curiosity and finally got the certificate, yay! That doesn't mean a lot, but many details are better explained than in books and you learn excellent basics to start coding seriously.

This is the link to the course:
(for those not familiar with the language, you can find the solutions here, till chapter 8):
I am currently reading Essential C# 6.0 -page 328 or so is where I am at- and it is an ok book. But it's more theoretical and mumbo jumbo, you can get easily overwhelmed with data and details on the language, which is where the book is focused, more than learning how to program. Since I can only recommend things I am reading now and I am into C# as of now, when it comes to books a great, great great book...

A book that has everything, from great code to great explanations and excellent focus on what's important -it is 300 pages long-, that book is The C# player's guide. Kudos to the author for making it so didactic and enjoyable, which is a feat for beginners like me.


You have a 82 pages free sample of the book here --this 3r edition is based on C# 7.0 and Visual Studio 2017.

What's up with all these new features in C#? Where do they come from, what's the future? C# is becoming more and more about functional programming as time goes on.

This video, "Thinking Functionally" from April 11th 2017 explains why.


His comments on the billions dollars mistake that is null in programming at around the 14 min mark are quite remarkable.
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after pondering things up, I don't think Java or C# are my thing. C# is more palatable to me, but they are quite similar already and I am learning Java because I have to, so I got the basics covered.

Something like F# or Haskell appeal to me a lot more. Any suggestion for a language to learn? C++ sounds interesting, but I don't know, maybe I'd prefer good ol' C.
i don't get your question. Of course, learn F# or Haskell then. I'd argue that you should try any such high level language before C. It will help you 'organize' better when you start up with C.
I think it's probably fair to say that the progress of programming languages is mostly about how to make it easier to express common tasks (otherwise, you can ask the computer to do anything using assembly).

Which most of the time is the wrong way to go. Programming shouldn't be fun or easy, it should be boring drudge work, where you're forced to grind through lots of red tape and have to be seemingly needlessly explicit ... because you are a human being with a terrible ability of judging long tail risks.
I think you missunderstood . "easier to express common tasks " does not mean programming should be easy. It should not.

Further I wholeheartedly disagree with "programming should involve grinding". I'm sorry, you're either working with an inept compiler or you're using the incorrect abstraction if you are in that situation. Which does happen often, to me as well as others I think. That doesn't make it right. That doesn't mean no better is possible
A programming language is a tool helping you express yourself to the computer with as few sentences as possible, so preferrably you should write what you want to achieve instead of how, that's what high level functions are for (sort, filter, transform, reduce, ...)

The only language I find interesting atm is Swift.

Still toying around with two different programming languages ideas, a kind of C with generics with a clean up syntax and another that is more like Reactive Programming (that didn't exist when I started toying with the idea) mixed with RDBMS.