Latest UK Console Figures

Teasy said:
The ps2 worth it for ICO alone.

On the other hand I'm a Football fanatic so if I find a game like PES2 (which is a masterpeice IMO) that's the sort of thing that will make me have to have a console, if it had stayed exclusive I would have bought a PS2, no doubt about it.

Some of my friends are football fanatics enough to play real football . Maybe you are not as fanatic as you think so ;)
Some of my friends are football fanatics enough to play real football . Maybe you are not as fanatic as you think so

Why would you assume that I don't actually play real football? I both watch and play real Football. I also kill people for a living, but that doesn't stop me from playing Hitman 2... oops I've said to much!

Seriously who ever said I don't actually play Football? Do you think if someone plays football they then would have no need for a Football game? If so you really don't understand what it is to be a Football fanatic.. I simply can't get enough of Football and if there is a fantastic Football experience to be had, wether its real or simulated I have to have it! ;)

Toys R Us bundles in the UK:

PS2: Burnout, Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter, Eternal Ring, Crazy Taxi and Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex, DVD-movies Ace Ventura 2 ja A.I. and a V3 FX -rattiohjain. Price 250 pounds = 342 euros

GCN: Luigi's Mansion, Legends of Wrestling, Extreme G3, Crash Bandicoot: Wrath of Cortex, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3, Burnout, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, 18 Wheeler American Pro Trucker, Spider-Man and Zoo Cube for 250 pounds = 342 euros

Xbox: Jett Set Radio Future, Sega GT 2002, Halo, Splinter Cell and Championship Manager for 199 pounds = 272 euros.

So who has mad bundles? source is btw.. Finland's largest gaming magazine's website.. Thou I think those are not manufacturer made bundles but made by TRU, but still, it's insane. And a good deal for the UK consumers :)

Taking into account the cost of both systems and the quality/cost of the games included, XBox IMO. I mean its got the best XBox game so far, the second best, two big Sega games and an exclusive Champ Man game (big games everywhere but the U.S) all for free at only £199. You could sell those 5 XBox games for £125 on ebay, leaving the XBox at £75. Those 10 GC games aren't of a high quality, some are decent (one really good) but the rest are average to poor. Youd likely get no more then £130 for all of them when sold singley. Leaving GC at £120.. which is around the price of a single GC anyway. To be honest I think there are better GC deals then that 10 game bundle.

Don't get me wrong, there all great deals for what they're for (the GC deal is great for kids and it does come from TRU) but overall the craziest looks like XBox's.. its absolutely insane! I mean anyone buying that isn't going to need to buy an XBox game for a long time, and game sales is where MS may start to make back some of those huge losses. Of course from MS's point of view its not crazy if it sky rockets XBox's U.K sales, although apparently its not doing that so...
Xbox is not bad...

for about £150 you get a moderately powerful PC which with a mod chip can be used as a media center, or a linux box, or anything else you want! If you can get an external USB tv tuner, you might even be able to use it as a DVR.

Catching Up In Australia
Tuesday, December 3, 06:05 | Talon |
Next to North America, it seems like the main area for Xbox has been Australia so far. Today, in an announcement made by Microsoft, it seems that Xbox has a commanding 46 percent of the market share in the country. Achieved largely over the last few weeks, data from Inform shows that the system’s pushed 23,069 units in the last two weeks alone, putting Xbox only 4 percent behind the leading system, PlayStation 2.

Although Oz isn't really a big market, its still very surprising. MS seemed to have done their homework there, with the Rallisport bundles and such appealing to the down-under-types :p

Also, I think MS is realizing that Europe is a more important market for Xbox than Japan, hence the "give away" deals. Its about time too :-?
According to a few people I've spoken too XBox is deffinately doing well in Australia, always has been apparently. But then we never see actualy sales from there included in sales for consoles as we only ever see U.S, Japan and European sales.. so we'll never truely know exactly what's going on there.

BTW that title from PlanetXBox is quite funny. XBox's sales very recently are 4% behind PS2's and XBox is catching up to PS2? :) That's like claiming that GameCube is catching PS2 in Japan because its about 3% behind it in the latest weekly sales. Ok I suppose technically you could say its catching up to its weekly sales, still a funny title :)

BTW, anyone know if MS released there 4 game bundle in Oz at the same time as the U.K? Come to think about it is that 4 game bundle even out in the rest of Europe?
Teasy said:
Seriously who ever said I don't actually play Football? Do you think if someone plays football they then would have no need for a Football game? If so you really don't understand what it is to be a Football fanatic.. I simply can't get enough of Football and if there is a fantastic Football experience to be had, wether its real or simulated I have to have it! ;)

cool :)
........I may be mistaken, but the Xbox 4 game pack didn't get released until the 30th November so I'd say that those sales figures don't even take that into account! Not much to go on, but a lot of retailors appear to be suggesting that the Xbox is now matching the PS2 in sales in the UK :eek: close that is to the truth is hard to tell, but it would appear obvious that GC is now being left behind in the UK unless Nintendo can do some serious price manipulation soon!
I was thinking about the fascination with sales numbers (I must confess I was somewhat guilty of that as well). I think right now, it’s purely inertia. I mean, early on, everyone was watching sales number religiously: will one of the consoles fail? Which one? Who will come out on top?

At this point, I believe the questions have been already answered. All the consoles are here to stay. PSX2 will dominate while Cube and Box will split the difference. Its no longer Spring for 2002, and the “make-or-breakâ€￾ time for all the consoles has passed. With installment base for both newer consoles (GC/XB) well in the millions, a weekly sales differential of several thousands has lost most of its significance.
I believe the press release meant that total installed base, not weekly sales share.
That's very unlikely. I've seen the AU console numbers somewhere, and PS2 was way ahead and constantly selling at least somewhat better.
marconelly! said:
I believe the press release meant that total installed base, not weekly sales share.
That's very unlikely. I've seen the AU console numbers somewhere, and PS2 was way ahead and constantly selling at least somewhat better.

Latest (weekly) sales figures for Australia were 12,681 for Xbox and 3,779 for PS2 :eek:. That press release certainly implied they were talking total market share even though it seems difficult to believe that two weeks of bumper sales could make that much difference.

How long has the PS2 been on sale in Australia?

Anyway I agree with what Geeforcer said. All three consoles are going to get a large enough market share (exception - Xbox in Japan), but PS2 is probably going to hang on to their big lead.
Thats a good Point Taxman. If the 4 game sale started that late it wouldn't at all be indicative of the sales.

I am still waiting to hear what Howdy and PC Engine have to say about that.
DVFtaxman, I was having a look around the Metro Center last monday and the shops there already had those bundles in, that was the 25th, which was the start of the week ending the 30th (which is what those sales are from). You may be right on the official release/announcement of the 30th.. I'm not sure. But it seems MS wanted to have stores stocked with the bundle before making it official.
teasy i don't think 5 days made up all of those sales. Do you have evidence for this? What were the weeks before it and what are the stores claiming caused the surge in sales without public adverstisement of said bundle?
Legion, it says on the site that reported it that these sales were from the week ending on the 30th, Monday was the 25th, from the 25th to the 30th is 6 days. Although really that week didn't end on the 30th, it ended on the 1st of December, unless they count Sunday as the start of a new week? In which case sales would have been from Sunday the 24th to Saturday the 30th (7 days).

There was news about this bundle quite a while before any ads started, with U.K mags and sites reporting it and it was all over allot of forums. Also AFAIR GAME started advertising this bundle on TV also before the 30th (but not as early as the 25th AFAIR). I'd imagine the rest of the increase in sales comes from word or mouth and simply looking around stores and finding the bundle.

But I suppose this bundle wasn't fully known of by allot of people in the week that site reports on. So maybe that explains why sales didn't spike anywhere near as much as they should have from an offer like that. Perhaps now that advertising has started more people will realise the bundle and the spike will either increase a bit or at least not dwindle so quickly in the coming weeks.
they said that the bundles were the cause of this without advertisement?

I don't know what stores think, I only looked around and saw the bundle (I only poped in to play PES2 :)).

But as I said there was awareness of this deal quite a while before the 30th, weeks before. Not wide spread with casual gamers of course, so as I said perhaps sales will increase again now that everyone knows about it. For MS's sake they better increase, because if that offer can't shift more XBox's then I really don't know what they'll have to come up with next.