I've said before that I see Kinect as something I was interested in for parties. However, I was hoping for more. I think now I can see the future and it's very similar to the present. Which is a shame.
Even though I said above, I bought it today... along with Kinectimals, Dance Central and Kinect Sports.
Brief Impressions are:
1) Good looking piece of kit.
2) Slick, slick, slick user experience. Dashboard integration, even though it's not the full dash, is very well done. Yes, it takes longer than pushing a button, but it feels so much cooler. And that experience goes into the games to, with a simple to access version of the mini-dash in-game.
3) Games seem well produced. Just had a go at Adventures with the Au Pair and it was fun, but thin. Played a little Dance Central, Kinectimals and a quick go on all the events in Sports.
4) Dance central is as cool as expected, and I can see putting some time into that one.
5) Kinectimals is very cute, a lot more to do than I expected with a progression curve that has that "just get to the next bit before I stop" effect. Unfortunately I think it's too involved for my son (2 3/4) who I really bought it for. Still, I can see myself putting some hours into it myself.
6) Kinect Sports is stuffed full of personality, and it also has "Voiceover Man", which makes it an instant win. Unlike Sports Champions (the only Move game I bought) there seems to be a coherent feel to the experience and the game environments are anything but bare and sterile. Maybe it's a bit simple though, but I can see this becoming a great party game.
While I still have those same concerns about the variety of experience going forward (and I'm not suggesting "hardcore games", but hoping for something more than variations on Dance, Fitness and Minigame Collections) I'm surprised at how quickly I have come to enjoy Kinect.
I recently had a bit of a clearout of people on my friends list, and I'm down to a couple now. The reason is that I just couldn't find time to play online in core games.... or more that I couldn't commit to times. However, I'm probably going to send a few friends requests to some posters here 'cos (a) I presently have a lonely Xbox experience

and (b) maybe a little Kinect MP is what the doctor ordered. I need an excuse to play, as since quitting the ciggies some 6 months back I have piled on the lbs
Anyway, if you get a request from me it's "Rotmm" and I will NOT be offended if the request is not accepted, so please don't feel obliged.