Kinect Games

As long as it's kept in relation to the game experience, yes. If we just look at this most recent example, Rangers says there are lots of impressed people, and thop replies he hasn't seen any good impressions. Ranger's links to good game impressions, and thop replies those aren't technical impressions. Well clearly in a thread about the games, it's the impression of the game experience that matters. If people are saying, "this game sucks because the interface tech is really laggy," then the tech is being raised in relation to the games. Whereas if people are saying, "this game rocks," then the tech issues aren't coming into effect, so there's no point taking yet another thread down the Kinect Technology debate when we already have a thread or three for that.

Impressions of Child of Eden, the game, sound pretty positive. Impressions of how well the tech does or doesn't work belongs in a different thread - feel free to post, "Impressions of Child of Eden mention a very noticeable lag," in the Kinect tech thread or Motion Controller thread.

Well the opposite should also be true too and people shouldn't conclude that Kinect is good/great because the reviews of the game were good, or worse:

And I think any positive Kinect impressions basically count double because the hardcore games media seems to really dislike Kinect to start with.
I agree with the sentiments but the tech side really is a big part of the game experience. There is certainly no point in constantly mentioning that Kinect has a certain amount of lag in many games, we all know this. However discussing how these technical issues may or may not effect certain types of games and its effect on the overall individual game experience is valid.

Only for "core" gamers. The casual market that MS is initially pushing for (this holiday season) isn't going to care about the technicalities. For them it is either fun and new or it's not.

And considering that some reviewers have stated that Kinect is still their preferred way to play even WITH the lag (which they notice because they are generally core gamers used to a controller), speaks even more strongly to the good impressions it will likely have with the targetted demographic.

So while it might be relevant to the core gamers frequenting this forum, it still remains more appropriate for the tech discussion thread, rather than the game discussion thread, IMO.

So while it might be relevant to the core gamers frequenting this forum, it still remains more appropriate for the tech discussion thread, rather than the game discussion thread, IMO.



so far much of the response and reviews have been "the game with Kinect, is fun"

that is all that matters for the purposes of this thread IMO and all other discussion is dissecting details of technicalities. As for how those details relate to game FUN, so far results seem to indicate that there is no hindrance by the technology to the enjoyment level of the games, in general.

so far much of the response and reviews have been "the game with Kinect, is fun"

that is all that matters for the purposes of this thread IMO and all other discussion is dissecting details of technicalities. As for how those details relate to game FUN, so far results seem to indicate that there is no hindrance by the technology to the enjoyment level of the games, in general.

I am not so sure to be honest.
The tech is part of the experience - you cannot neglect this and close your eyes IMO.

Just as an example: a lot of people complained about Killzone 2 and its brutal input lag -> those people which had problems with that input lag did not have much fun with the game -> so what is your response to them? Ingore input lag and judge the "fun" of the game?
And there are ton of players who did not have any problems with KZ2 input lag - and actually had fun. IMO: both is valid, and both should be discussed, after all gaming is a personal thing with as much personal opinions as actual persons playing.
And I think that the game thread is here to express a personal opinion, which can or cannot be grounded in tech ninja expressions. The same goes for Kinect games - some gamers will like it, some won't, the same goes for reviewers and journos!

An extended example: when someone complains, that he does not have fun with the game, because of the stuttering framerate, or the constant tearing -> it is a tech deficiency but it still impacts the fun of the game for some gamers. How do you response to them? And it is no surprise that there are a lot of people who are not sensitive to those things and thus judge the FUN of the game differently.

To be honest: I think you guys are a little bit over-reacting here, because those things are topic in every other game thread as well.
And I did not read any of you guys complaining about to much "dwarf view", "narrow view field", "input lag" talk in the in the KZ2 gaming thread ;)
I am not so sure to be honest.
The tech is part of the experience - you cannot neglect this and close your eyes IMO.

Just as an example: a lot of people complained about Killzone 2 and its brutal input lag -> those people which had problems with that input lag did not have much fun with the game -> so what is your response to them? Ingore input lag and judge the "fun" of the game?
No, you're missing the point.

A game thread is primarily about talking about the actual hobby we use all this tech for. Open up any game thread on this board and you will mostly read about how people like the look of this game, or think the gameplay looks dull, or loved a similar game and hope this one is as good, or weren't expecting much from the game but previews are sounding positive and they're getting more interested, etc. The talk is about the game. People will obviously bring up control issues where there are some, so if a Wii game lacks control and people say, "I didn't like it because of the control and I think the controller is too limited," that's fair enough, but it's still about the game.

Seems half the posts in this thread are about the tech decoupled from any regard for the games, a pattern this latest derailment follows. There was no need to look for impressions of the technology when the impressions here whould be mostly about the game! Instead, anyone visiting this thread to learn how the Kinect games are developing is instead finding precious little info and a whole lot of repeated debate that they'll find elsewhere on the board! If I want to know the features of Kinectimals and how people are taking to it or not, I want have a place to read that without having to find those posts buried under a load of posts telling me what Kinect can and can't do.

To be honest: I think you guys are a little bit over-reacting here, because those things are topic in every other game thread as well.
And I did not read any of you guys complaining about to much "dwarf view", "narrow view field", "input lag" talk in the in the KZ2 gaming thread ;)
No, they're design decisions. Nothing about the hardware forces that. If those threads ended up with people grumbling about the choice of RSX or the limitations of Cell's RSX interconnect or who-knows-what, and went on for pages and pages, it'd get the same treatment.

I can appreciate this is a hard distinction to make, but it's definitely there. Every day I visit this thread I feel sorry for AzBat who clearly marked out what he wanted this to be, but it hasn't happened. We mods try to let the board manage itself as best as possible but I feel I may have to turn all draconian and instigate some Tech Analysis style rules if people can't just manage this themselves. Let's bold this to highlight it.

Okay, people, listen up good! Hopefully you've read the above, but if TL;DR, suffice to say this thread is supposed to be about the games and what people can play with Kinect and whether people find them fun or not. The scope for tech debate is more narrowed than usual, chiefly because there are other places to discuss such matters at length. So don't be surprised if from this point on posts that are deemed taking the conversation in the wrong direction get deleted.
I really liked that table tennis gameplay video, very impressive and fluid, love how you just drop the ball in like in real TT. Already looks much better than the Wii equivalent.

Mod edit : Removed request for input lag figure. Ask in the Kinect Tech thread.
Limited Edition Kinectimals outed on GameStop...


The Kinectimals Limited Edition comes with:
  • Exclusive Maltese Tiger Plush Toy
  • Exclusive code to unlock a digital Maltese Tiger
  • Kinectimals Game

No Skittles? Wife will be disappointed. :(

Tommy McClain
Heh, that's actually pretty cool, and not outrageously priced. Tempted to buy one. :) If it was a canine plushy I'd get it in a heartbeat, but not a cat person myself.

Bam preordered. My nephew is going to eat that game up . Esp since he can take his pet everywhere with him.
Just to ask if there is going to be any major event here they will launch and show off the games, as most of them are still very undefined and I must say I still dont know very well what they will release in terms of games and it is already on mid November?
The best place find out where the Kinect Road Tour is here...

Back on topic...

Here are 2 previews on Fighters Uncaged...

There is also a new "Attacks Variety" trailer(click here for HD)...

BTW, is anybody interested in achievements for the Kinect games? There are few out there & I'm contemplating adding them here in spoiler tags like I did for Kinect Adventures. Takes quite a bit of formatting to get them posted. So if nobody is interested it could save me some time.

Tommy McClain

Ubisoft held an event in San Francisco to show its commitment to being the lead third-party publisher on the Kinect, and Gamasutra sat down with North America president Laurent Detoc about the device and his company's larger strategy.

"I think that today is a pretty good testament that Kinect is going to do pretty well, because today is an event only about Kinect. That's a statement about how we think it's going to do," said Detoc to the press, gathered to see games like Q? Entertainment's Child of Eden and Ubisoft's own Your Shape: Fitness Evolved.

"It's our intent to be the biggest third party publisher on that machine," Detoc reiterated to Gamasutra in a one-on-one interview after his presentation, referring specifically to Kinect.

In fact, says Detoc, he's seen 100 prototypes internally of "things you can do" with Kinect. "My favorite, which has not been made into a game yet -- but I am sure will be soon -- you have to reproduce somebody's pose in 3D. Everybody makes an idiot of themselves, it's fantastic."

"I believe that Ubisoft is well-positioned to be the leading third party on that machine," said Detoc of the Kinect, during his presentation. "I believed from day one that you could play without a controller."

Detoc points to the phenomenal success of the company's Just Dance on the Wii as a harbinger for the incipient success of the Kinect -- and hands-free control will bring in new audiences, he's sure.
Another Dance Central movie, being played in a Best Buy.

Be sure to keep watching until the freestyle bit comes up though ...

That fighters uncaged game looks rather restrictive, as far as I can tell, the background is simply a video feed with 3D characters superimposed. If this is the case I imagine it would limit the games' depth fairly significantly.

I agree with what nav' says, I still feel one of the potentially big selling points of kiect is that it can be setup to sell itself. Any controller driven system ultimately requires passers-by to be interested / investigating the tech. It's impossible to predict or measure, but I get the feeling this aspect of kinect (and it's more social focus) will help with viral style spread of awareness.
Your Shape: Fitness Evolved portal announced...

EDIT: IGN's Chobot preview...

Tommy McClain

Wow a hot chick using the game , good way to get gamers to buy it !

I wont lie , I have it preordered . I'm fat and can use something to keep me going. I lost 22lbs on wii fit but tis so boring now (yes i have the wii fit plus pack also)

whats nice is that i can use real weights for some of it where i couldn't with the wii.

To be perfectly honest , if ms goes on oprah or elen with that game ( i know its not theirs) then they will sell as many kinects as they can make
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Wow a hot chick using the game , good way to get gamers to buy it !

I wont lie , I have it preordered . I'm fat and can use something to keep me going. I lost 22lbs on wii fit but tis so boring now (yes i have the wii fit plus pack also)

whats nice is that i can use real weights for some of it where i couldn't with the wii.

To be perfectly honest , if ms goes on oprah or elen with that game ( i know its not theirs) then they will sell as many kinects as they can make

I would say get a russian kettlebell those moves burn away fat.
And its way cheaper way to loose some weight. And i takes way less space then kinect requirement.

Brb goes preorder kinect hoping to get chobot with it:LOL: