Just spent the week end over at the Paris Games week event and got my hands on KZ SF. The game was indeed the best looking game on the showfloor. I played the single player demo 4 times. Really beautiful effects, particles, character models is really good, especially the details on the clothes of the helghast. From the lighting to the reflections everything is on par or better than the PS4 reveal footage from february 21th.
Onlyy complain goes to the explosions when firing a grenade. Also hit detection on ennemies looks different from previous KZ. It looked like in KZ the ennemies had better reaction to the bullets. While playing I felt like bullets just went through ennemies body where in KZ2/3 they really reacted to the bullets.
The characters model look fine, not really next gen but I was expecting better from the original renders.
Gameplay was controls are intuitive. But goodbye to the old classic KZ2/3 controls, it's now kind of BF/COD-ied with only thing you can switch is either aiming & firing with the shoulder buttons or the triggers. + the classic inverse Y , X axis, hold crouch , aim buttons.
touchpad is really responsive, just swype to the direction you want to select the command and press L1 to unleash the owl.
The d-pad is also pretty useful Focus mod is mapped to the left d pad, radar scanner is on the right d pad, objectives is on the upper d pad arrow, and secondary weapon mod is on the bottom d pad.
The share button and PS home button were disabled. they blocked them so that we couldn't play with thePSUI I guess.
On the other side the multiplayer demo they had was really slow, unoptimized and when sprinting characters look like they were just speeding up. But it was playable but to me it felt more like 30 fps than the announced 60, but I guess the build was really old.
They had bunches of games , Killzone( latest build Vekta building level ) , Driveclub ( gamescom build ), Knack, AC IV, war thunder, dying light, contrast, blacklight retribution, resogun, octodad.
Only game missing was Infamous...They also had the crew, and xatchdogs but only through closed demo, not playable