Until they confirm the game won't be terrible, this is a "must not buy" for me.
Loool, Guerilla won't be able to confirm anything like that until the game's finished. Plus a reviewers confirmation of that would be more useful to you than a developer of the game in question ;-)
I'm personally not worried about the quality of KZ:SF. KZ2 is one of my fav PS3 games, KZ1 was awesome in my eyes too, and Liberation was my best PSP game outside of the Patapons. So even if KZ3 was a little on the disappointing side (wouldn't call it terrible), given that game was rushed and too much dev time was misappropriated to useless stuff like stereo 3D, I expect KZ:SF to be a much more polished product.
KZ3 was excellent with Move, so that alone gave it a free pass in my book 
I still have some faith in Guerilla. I'm hopeful.