Killzone PS3 shown at GDC 07?

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Everyone paying attention of course ;) for good measure on this site alone: take a look at the members posting through the 3 pages in this thread.

Seriously anyone thinking Sony Fanboys are not anticipating this title to set itself apart from xb360 are fooling themselves.

Unfortunetly your definition of everyone is the vast minority unless you think most people who by consoles post on interent forums and are fanboys :LOL:
To act as though this never happened and everyone knew the truth on the matter from day one is naive.
Anyone with a brain who paid attention on Day 1 would have known the truth - the vids as 'visualizations', whereas everything else that was realtime was clearly called realtime. Trouble was instead of going 'okay, they're renders' everyone kept asking the same question over and over - 'are the real?' at which point the PR got stretched and regurgitated, perhaps Chinese Whispers fashion, fuzzying over the truth until some spokesperson(s) gave straight lies to the question. Were lies told? Yes. From Day 1? No.

As for KZ being the be-all-and-end-all of PS3, I find it hard to believe that Joe Public will not buy a PS3 in 2008 on account of one game being released not matching its CGI 'previs' some 2.5 - 3 years earlier. No matter how much the internet may implode if KZ looks either pants or even better than the 'trailer', that doesn't swing the entire market. There's plenty of crap looking titles on every platform, without people being deterred from it. What if KZ doesn't live up to the hype (and speaking of hype, who has hyped KZ? Apart from a 'trailer', it's barely been mentioned, so for those saying it'll be the most overhyped game, it'll be the media and fans who hype it judging by current behaviour!)? As long as there's lots of other titles that attract people, the console will live on! I'm not going to refuse to buy PS3 for LBP and RnC and Drake and whatnot, just because KZ doesn't look like the CGI. That'd be a crazy basis of a purchasing decision! If it has the games you want, at a price you're willing to pay, you buy it. PR and marketting and faux pas etc. aside.
As far as I'm concerned at best it's just going to be a very good looking boring FPS game that more than 50% of Playstation gamers couldn't give a monkeys about.

It is not the big deal he is trying to make out. If it looks great, that'll give me a couple of minutes to think I'm vindicated for getting rid of the 360 and waiting for a PS3, but in reality the variety of games that seem to be high on Sony's list of priorities (rather than every other game being a.n. other FPS game) is all the vindication I need.

You have emotional issues related to a VIDEO GAME CONSOLE? "Got rid of" and "being vindicated" are completely incongruous terms to use when it comes to something that you purchase for fun. Either you need better hobbies or an emotional management class.
Go onto any messageboard and see how people are discussing Killzone, now. Ask people about that. I very much doubt the majority of people are sitting there blissfully unaware of the CG controversy, thinking that the E3 05 trailer is exactly how the game will actually look. The Killzone CG controversy has to have been one of the biggest of its kind, it's a byword for that kind of controversy at this stage. I think whatever myth you think is being perpetuated must be limited to fairly small sets of people at this stage. To more fundamentally attack your point, see how many use it as a sole and fundamental reason for preferring PS3 to another console.

Currently sure, most knowledgable posters would recognize the fact that it was fake. However, there are still many posters (even here) who believe the myth (not the myth of KZ, the myth of a significantly more capable machine in ps3). This title was used as a visual representation of this superiority and to this day people say "I know the vid was fake, but it was target and they didn't have the kits long enough yet, they will match it!". :LOL:

Those fans that take it down a notch would basicly say, "By the end of this gen you will see titles which could not be done on xb360".

And further down the road you have, "By the end of this gen there will be titles which outclass xb360 titles".

This last line I agree with. However I also believe the opposite will be true.

For all those paying attention to this gen, The KZ unveiling will be viewed and measured. How much will depend on your position above.

As I said, I NEVER hyped this game beyond what I believed Sony could and should reasonably do.
Anyone with a brain who paid attention on Day 1 would have known the truth - the vids as 'visualizations', whereas everything else that was realtime was clearly called realtime. Trouble was instead of going 'okay, they're renders' everyone kept asking the same question over and over - 'are the real?' at which point the PR got stretched and regurgitated, perhaps Chinese Whispers fashion, fuzzying over the truth until some spokesperson(s) gave straight lies to the question. Were lies told? Yes. From Day 1? No.

As for KZ being the be-all-and-end-all of PS3, I find it hard to believe that Joe Public will not buy a PS3 in 2008 on account of one game being released not matching its CGI 'previs' some 2.5 - 3 years earlier. No matter how much the internet may implode if KZ looks either pants or even better than the 'trailer', that doesn't swing the entire market. There's plenty of crap looking titles on every platform, without people being deterred from it. What if KZ doesn't live up to the hype (and speaking of hype, who has hyped KZ? Apart from a 'trailer', it's barely been mentioned, so for those saying it'll be the most overhyped game, it'll be the media and fans who hype it judging by current behaviour!)? As long as there's lots of other titles that attract people, the console will live on! I'm not going to refuse to buy PS3 for LBP and RnC and Drake and whatnot, just because KZ doesn't look like the CGI. That'd be a crazy basis of a purchasing decision! If it has the games you want, at a price you're willing to pay, you buy it. PR and marketting and faux pas etc. aside.

The biggest thing that KZ represents is a myth/hype/fud. The unveiling will either enforce, exagerate or kill this notion.

If it kills the notion, PS3 will have to stand on it's own two feet. As I already stated in this thread.

I never said "IF KZ flops ps3 is Dead!" :LOL:

Some of you guys see what you want to see.

What I have said is it is in Sony's best interest to keep this myth/hype/fud alive. As it is right now, this myth/hype/fud is resting on one title as Motorstorm already hit the market and nothing (outside the e3 vids) has been shown to the public as something that "outclasses" xb360 yet.

edit - actually I disagree with your statement. Anyone with a brain on day 1 was skeptical. Big difference. When clarification is requested and a misleading response is given, that skepticism was on hold until further details were fleshed out about what exactly is in the ps3 box.
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You have emotional issues related to a VIDEO GAME CONSOLE? "Got rid of" and "being vindicated" are completely incongruous terms to use when it comes to something that you purchase for fun. Either you need better hobbies or an emotional management class.
Talk about reading too much into a post :rolleyes:
It works both ways. If KZ delivers it will be hyped, but if it fails people will simply say 'I told you so' and move on.

Well in that sense, it kind of only works one way ;) Which is true. You even only need look at the original Killzone. It was hyped, it failed to deliver, and no one cared. It didn't have any impact on the PS2 either way. If it had delivered though, sure it would have been justifiably hyped, and been another feather in the PS2's cap.

Currently sure, most knowledgable posters would recognize the fact that it was fake. However, there are still many posters (even here) who believe the myth (not the myth of KZ, the myth of a significantly more capable machine in ps3). This title was used as a visual representation of this superiority

I really don't think there are many posters here who use Killzone in such a fashion at all (can you point out the last time 'many' people on B3D said PS3 was more powerful because it could do *that* <insert KZ pic>?), and even if there were, in the wider scheme of things they would be in such a tiny minority that I have to wonder why you would care what they think at all.

Second, whether PS3 is or is not more powerful than another system is an issue apart from Killzone. You may see symbolism there, but to put it mildly I think you invest far too much into that to the point of appearing to be bitter about it. If people think PS3 is more powerful, I don't think it has much to do with Killzone. Certainly not in my case, nor dare I say, ought it to be the case for most people here.

I certainly take issue with this nonsense about PS3 having to stand on its own two feet "if Killzone fails to deliver" or that it will have to fall back on being cheap in order to appeal, or a number of the other ridiculous statements you've been making here. PS3 is not relying on Killzone for anything at this stage. It would be nice if it could contribute something good, of course, but it won't make a difference if it does not.
Ok, this is going to be the last Killzone thread, I am going to lock. If you cannot post without invoking the E2005 video, you better stay away from those threads here, because frankly they all end the same way. It's just plainly annoying. So until further notice, posts in Killzone threads better contain information and not just feelings.
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