Killzone 3 concept drawings

*whispers* Is it realtime? *whispers*

Its pretty depressing seeing great looking "concept" drawings, when your own skills are limited to smilies and arrows :cry:
PC-Engine said:
What's so special about storyboards?

Technically, these are not really storyboards.

Storyboards are usually quickly drawn strips explaining how a scene is going to be like. A bit like comic strips, but much simpler in look, since their only purpose is to show how the scene is set up in very general terms.

Bit like this

These Killzone concepts just look like... concept drawings...
Killzone has a great art style (very Jin Roh for som reason ;) ) which I like a lot.

Hope Killzone 3 or whatever it will be called can live up to the hype.
Thanks for posting these.
If only we could go back in time and make Killzone 1 a good game we'd be business... ;)

JK, It's a good game. :D Now I know how dirty it feels to troll.
PC-Engine said:
What's so special about storyboards?

Where are these storyboards you speak of?

In all seriousness, what Guerilla did nail with Killzone was the art direction, as can also be seen from these concept drawings. Too bad the game didn't live up to that though, I seriously hope Killzone 2 and 3 offer some better gameplay.