Just Got Back...


Just had a week long vacation up in South Dakota to visit the family. It's funny the difference between states. Eventhough where I live; to me; isn't the "city" it's more city than a town with a population of 179 :oops:

My family originally moved to the states (South Dakota) from Germany, back in the late 1800's and have been farmers ever since!!!

The land is cheap there ($800 to $1,100 an acre) and since I'm older I'm more able to appreciate visiting that side of my family.

My wife confessed that of the whole 4.85 years we've been married (been together a total of almost 9 years), this was the best vacation she's ever had and wants to move up there. Now mind you, there's no broadband, only cellphone towers in the "big" cities, and lots of country. (actually it isn't that bad at all)

So a whole week has went by without hearing of the New World Order and other topics of interest for me, so if you see a slew of new topics in the RP&SC you'll know why :mrgreen:

btw-for those who live in Chicago, I don't envy you at all in terms of traffic and blasted toll roads.
What are the main cultivations there in South Dakota?
Are there government incentives to grow plantations?
linthat22 said:
So a whole week has went by without hearing of the New World Order and other topics of interest for me, so if you see a slew of new topics in the RP&SC you'll know why :mrgreen:
Hey, bring it on Linty! I *love* a good conspiracy theory, aint nuttin better than the tittilating thoughts of corruption reaching to the uppermost echelons of society... I love em, I just won't neccessarily buy into them. :)

Welcome back by the way!
linthat22 said:
btw-for those who live in Chicago, I don't envy you at all in terms of traffic and blasted toll roads.
True dat, but once you've mastered I94 during rush hour you will never be intimidated by traffic again. ;)
Guden Oden said:
Speaking of driving on US roads digi - have you ever encountered road rage?
Encountered, caused, and experienced it quite a bit. I sometimes like to piss off other drivers by being legal just to watch their faces turn red and such. :)

If I get in a road rage, I generally pull over and just cool off for a bit....I know how f-ing insane I can get if someone has pushed all my buttons wrong and have this rule for the last 10 years or so about not allowing myself to do stupid things just for vicarious pleasure. :(
Something tells me it would be hard for digi out in Cali, especially in the LA area. Traffic in Chicago might be bad, but how bad can it really get?
Sonic said:
Something tells me it would be hard for digi out in Cali, especially in the LA area. Traffic in Chicago might be bad, but how bad can it really get?
According to all the national studies, the stretch of I94 near me and thru Chicago and an area of the freeway out in LA seem to alternate as the number 1 & 2 most dangerous stretches of highway in the country....at least that's how it seems to me over the last 10-20 years whenever I heard about it.

I think there are a lot less road rage inspired shootings out here, but we got a whole lot more people willing to bend some metal to show their anger.
mito said:
What are the main cultivations there in South Dakota?
Are there government incentives to grow plantations?

From what I seen it's corn, lots and lots of corn. Of course then there's soy beans and wheat also. My uncle swaps out crops from year to year so the ground can replenish it's nutrients.

As far as government incentives, there's quite a few farm neighbors who've been offered by our government to not plant anything. Naturally they refused.

One question by many is why would the government want to pay farmers to not grow crops? Make the U.S. dependant on foreign resources? Make sure the people forget or not pass on how to farm (and utilize the equipment)? Crazy stuff. If you look at the agricultural side of the economy I think last year we nearly imported as much as we exported.
digitalwanderer said:
True dat, but once you've mastered I94 during rush hour you will never be intimidated by traffic again. ;)

Oh man, we decided to take I-90 west and what a bitch that was. I thought St. Louis during rush hour was bad, but holy hell. We arrived at a stand still around 2pm on a Saturday and it was horrible.

We thought taking the toll roads would offer relief once we got there, heck no!!! Not only do you pay to get on, but you pay all the way through. What a damned rip off. The roads suck for a toll road. If I was a Chicagoan I'd be screaming my ass off to get those damned extra tax machines (money makers) taken off.

But I have to say, the best rest area to take a shit at was outside Tomah, Wisconsin. It was clean, had air moving (got to have it), and smelled clean (not like piss). That place was a welcome to a road wary shit.
linthat22 said:
One question by many is why would the government want to pay farmers to not grow crops?
Most likely because of the GIANT world market surplus that exist due to the western world's overproduction and subsequent dumping of prices that drives 3rd world farmers out of business.

One might hope it is in part also because of the harm our over-efficient farming methods is causing the environment, with synthetic fertilizers and fungicides and herbicides and pesticides n shit that we spray on everything. That's not very likely though, despite I read not that long ago the midwestern farming states had lost about HALF their layer of top soil in a hundred years. That ought to scare the bejeebus out of anyone don't you think?

Make the U.S. dependant on foreign resources? Make sure the people forget or not pass on how to farm (and utilize the equipment)? Crazy stuff.
Crazy indeed! :LOL:

How can you function if you ALWAYS see conspiracies in everything? That's just completely nutty! I bet you blame the gov't too if the batteries run out in your TV remote just before the big game of the year... :LOL:
linthat22 said:
If I was a Chicagoan I'd be screaming my ass off to get those damned extra tax machines (money makers) taken off.
Since when is it wrong to make money off of other people in america? :LOL:

That place was a welcome to a road wary shit.
I'm sure the management is glad your anus approved of their facilities... ;)
linthat22 said:
As far as government incentives, there's quite a few farm neighbors who've been offered by our government to not plant anything. Naturally they refused.

One question by many is why would the government want to pay farmers to not grow crops? Make the U.S. dependant on foreign resources? Make sure the people forget or not pass on how to farm (and utilize the equipment)? Crazy stuff. If you look at the agricultural side of the economy I think last year we nearly imported as much as we exported.

Interesting. I am reading again a book called "Talking Straight", by Lee Iacocca, and there's a chapter about agriculture where he mentions exactly that. The price of land is decreasing (1987 - one acre ~ u$ 600) and the decreasing farmer population.

Seems that things haven't changed that much after almost 15 years....
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