Jolene Blalock - Sexiest Vulcan ever?

The girl has been getting progressingly anorexic over the past two years and in the current season of Enterprise she is almost painful to look at.
Himself said:
she also needs to work out, she's all skin and bones.. poor thing..

She did after that picture was taken for "King Arthur". She went up a dress size in muscle, but lost a cup size on her bust (not good when you don't have that much to lose in the first place). I think she's just naturally thin, but I can't understand the Hollywood obsession with these stick-thin women with lollipop figures and that dessicated look of someone who is underweight.

Every time someone surveys people about what kind of figure they like, most of them (and two-thirds of the men) say they prefer they women with a womanly figure - hips and tits and ass. But with a few exceptions, Hollywood, along with the fashion and cosmetics industry, continues to try and convince us that it's desireable for a woman to look like a starvation victim.
Brazilian version, Débora Secco:





Don't make me post links to B5's Claudia Christian!

I'm warning you ......

[We shouldn't be linking to that]

Don't let it happen again. :)

Maxim had at least one fantastic issue featuring Jolene. From 2001 I think.
well....since we strated to pull out heavy weight, here is one bookma.....urm...something i stumbled upon.....

[edited by DB - Yeah, we shouldn't be linking to that]
Sorry, even the IMDb (Internet Movie Database) link is a no-go?

100% legit site, typing Claudia Christian into the Search tab and then clicking on More photos under her pic brings you to the page I linked.
