rabidrabbit said:
All the DS2 buttons are already assigned for other functions in JakII.
There was L3 and there was a lot of duplicate function buttons.
rabidrabbit said:
Oh yes, that 1st person view, but it is just for viewing the surroundings, and has very little to do with gameplay. More of an extra.
R&C had that too? I didn't remember it did.
Why is it stupid?
Well, I for one use it quite often, when I need a good view of the surroundings.
It’s stupid because the view is camera relative, and not as you would expect, Jaks head relative.
No matter how long play a game that works like that, I’m never going to get used to it, it just isn’t intuitive (for lack of a better word).
When I use first person view, I want to see what the character sees, and not a zoomed camera view.