Jail and the puppies, take two.



Just got another phone call from a friend collect from Lake County lock-up, looks like I'll be getting the two black labs back for a while AND a 2 month old kitty.

Gonna be a loooooooong day.
Got 'em! :D

Well, 2 out of 3. The puppies had been left outside so I just stole 'em, but I did see plenty of food & water for the cat inside so I decided not to bust a window to get in. (I couldn't pry any open. :rolleyes: )

The puppies is here again, and they are DAMNED glad to see me.....and vice-versa. 8)
Just got done giving the puppies a bath and I gotta pass along a bit of wisdom I picked up:

If you can possibly go thru your life without giving two hyper-happy black lab puppies (well, 11 years old...but they're still puppies!) a bath with the assistance of a hyper-happy 4 year old and a hyper-happy 7 year old DO IT!!!!

On a happy note, I got my stealth puppy escort back and they smell good and are disgustingly happy as hell...as am I. 8) (I missed 'em)

(Oh, and yes I will just continue to keep replying to myself...I find myself vastly entertaining. ;) )
Guden Oden said:
Sorry man, I'm a cat-person, not a dog-person. :)
Sorry, I couldn't get the cat today. My burgalry skills have rusted or else I just didn't want to break nothing to get in, I can't decide which.

I'll pick up Snowball tomorrow, she has food and cats don't have anywhere near as much problem staying alone like dogs do.

My two cats are NOT happy about the dogs being here again, but at least Chance is being a bit braver about it. He's stalking them and only running away to hide down the basement when they notice his stalking.

Life is going to be busy as hell just maintaining for a bit while they're here, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I just can't wait until my wife gets home, I know she missed 'em too. (And Lucy has lost a lot of weight and can jump into our bed so tonight BOTH puppies will be sleeping with us. :D )

Oh, and my dog Beanie is again NOT pleased with the intrusion into her kingdom...but she's tolerating it with poor grace.


These two are from last time, I'll post up some new ones later when I get a second to catch my breath. The poor things are skin and bones, they look more like greyhounds than labs. :(

But they won't be like that for long, they're disgustingly happy to be back here. 8)
digitalwanderer said:
The poor things are skin and bones, they look more like greyhounds than labs. :(

But they won't be like that for long, they're disgustingly happy to be back here. 8)
Yeah, I was about to say those are the leanest labs I've ever seen. Glad to see they're in good hands.

As for the baths, I hope those were outside, or at least somewhere reasonably waterproof? Labs and water and soap and little kids... a recipe for chaos if I've ever heard one. My australian shepherd just resigns herself and stans quitely, looking utterly miserable when I give her a bath. She loves getting toweled off, though. We have a lot of fun, then.
VtC said:
Yeah, I was about to say those are the leanest labs I've ever seen. Glad to see they're in good hands.
Those pictures are from the last time I watched 'em about a year ago, they're really skinny now! :oops:

But it's cool, our home has a magical way of fattening puppies up. 8)

As for the baths, I hope those were outside, or at least somewhere reasonably waterproof? Labs and water and soap and little kids... a recipe for chaos if I've ever heard one.
Nope, it's too cold out...we used the bathtub and our shower-on-a-hose-thingy (The SoaHT has been a LIFE SAVER thru babies, kids, and puppies. I hate how it looks, but I love how it works.) with your humble narrator standing in his bathing suit in the tub with a kid on soap duty and one on shower duty...chaos extreme. :?

My australian shepherd just resigns herself and stans quitely, looking utterly miserable when I give her a bath. She loves getting toweled off, though. We have a lot of fun, then.
Same with these two, they pretty much just go catatonic with misery in their eyes while getting bathed; but they do love the towelling off bit and the running around the house like crazy puppies afterwards.

Muchly fun to have 'em back again. When I got back from dropping the kids off at school they went absolutely bonkers with happiness to see me come back again 20 minutes later. :LOL:

My shy kitty has snuck out of the basement and is slowly creeping up right now on the puppies who are lying by my feet...I take it as a good sign. :)
Ummmm, Digi, unless you haven't noticed I am dutybound to tell you those "puppies" are possessed and needs to be exorcised and/or put down, or else we will suffer an invasion of demonic forces such as the world has never seen before! :oops:
Guden Oden said:
Ummmm, Digi, unless you haven't noticed I am dutybound to tell you those "puppies" are possessed and needs to be exorcised and/or put down, or else we will suffer an invasion of demonic forces such as the world has never seen before! :oops:

how the heck can you tell they are gay just by looking at pics???
Sage said:
how the heck can you tell they are gay just by looking at pics???
Also considering the fact that they're brother and sister... :?

As for the eyes, that's just Roo-roo....he always gets the spooky Riddick eyes when photographed, but he's actually the muchly sweeter of the two and me personal fave puppy in the world.

My puppy Beanie and Lucy do this constant alpha-puppy/dominance/match-up thing where they're always postering and trying to intimidate/stake their territories on each other, Rudy is just happy as hell to be here and has himself a tromping good time and doesn't really give a shit who the top dog is. :)