About 15 years ago I did two years of Psycology at university, so some of what Im about to say might be wrong due to my lack of memory, but I think:
IQ tests by definition have to be done to groups of people of similar background/scociety (such as a group of 100 first year students all from the same country). The results are then scaled to make 100 the average, and 180 the highest. Im pretty sure about the 180 thing, but it was a long time ago.
Each IQ test has to be statisticly significant to be a real IQ test. If you only test 1 person, then its rubbish, if you only test 20 people its probably rubbish.
There was some ratio of types of questions. Something like 20% logic, 20% math, 20% word, 20% spacial etc. I cant remember the %ages now.
Your IQ should never change over your lifetime, as the test should be taken with a group of your peers, so if you learn more logic, so do your peers, and the scaling will bring you back to the same score.