"It's Thursday and I'm TIRED!" thread.

Captain Chickenpants said:
[...] his stomach is probably as toned as it needs to be.


:oops: :oops: Blasphemy!!!!

7th Commandement in the Gay Bible:

A stomach is never too fit.


Seriously, it must be seen how he's doing the abs too... I'm doing something like 6-8 abs exercises each time i go (one of the two programs, something like 16 exercises in total). 20 reps each. All different. And the most important thing about abs is the way you do them.
london-boy said:
:oops: :oops: Blasphemy!!!!

7th Commandement in the Gay Bible:

A stomach is never too fit.

I will have to take your word on that :)

london-boy said:
Seriously, it must be seen how he's doing the abs too... I'm doing something like 6-8 abs exercises each time i go (one of the two programs, something like 16 exercises in total). 20 reps each. All different. And the most important thing about abs is the way you do them.
Fair enough, I just think it is not a good idea to be too specific when recommending specific things excercises when you don't really know the exact situation.

Captain Chickenpants said:
london-boy said:
:oops: :oops: Blasphemy!!!!

7th Commandement in the Gay Bible:

A stomach is never too fit.

I will have to take your word on that :)

london-boy said:
Seriously, it must be seen how he's doing the abs too... I'm doing something like 6-8 abs exercises each time i go (one of the two programs, something like 16 exercises in total). 20 reps each. All different. And the most important thing about abs is the way you do them.
Fair enough, I just think it is not a good idea to be too specific when recommending specific things excercises when you don't really know the exact situation.


;) It's just that i know little sytaylor (not the way everyone is going to think now). And i know he's the type of guy who goes to the gym then off to the pub!!!!

Alcohol and flat stomach are not friends.
I resent the little remark, totally unfounded... (and wrong)

but yeah i do have a few beers at the weekend, probably 8 on a friday night and about 4 or 5 on a saturday night... :oops:
sytaylor said:
I resent the little remark, totally unfounded... (and wrong)

but yeah i do have a few beers at the weekend, probably 8 on a friday night and about 4 or 5 on a saturday night... :oops:

Well, in the total and utter unfoundess of that statement, don't come back to me saying u've got "fatty areas" here and there... 8 beers?!?!?!? then 5 and 4?!?!?! You are crazy, and if u wanna pursue what you want to purse, gonna have to kill that habit... u'll feel so much better it's not even funny...

Oh, and fatty areas in the right places are always welcome....errrr....
Try working 12 hour days, getting roughly 6 hours sleep, and in your awake hours, watching a 8 month old, and 5 year old.. then talk to me about tired..

But its still going to be a good week, get new speakers and LCD tomorrow.
sytaylor said:
I'll have to show you sometime l-b, I'd say better than average but not what you would define as a "6 pack"

Why settle for a six pack when you can have a full gallon barrel, that's my motto :D
london-boy said:
sytaylor said:
I resent the little remark, totally unfounded... (and wrong)

but yeah i do have a few beers at the weekend, probably 8 on a friday night and about 4 or 5 on a saturday night... :oops:

Well, in the total and utter unfoundess of that statement, don't come back to me saying u've got "fatty areas" here and there... 8 beers?!?!?!? then 5 and 4?!?!?! You are crazy, and if u wanna pursue what you want to purse, gonna have to kill that habit... u'll feel so much better it's not even funny...

Oh, and fatty areas in the right places are always welcome....errrr....

I know l-b, but I have a very hetro group of friends, in a very traditional part of the world, and as of right now I have yet recieved little incentive, other than promises. After a trip down south who knows, I'm hoping that will be a catalyst for the changes I need to make. Put it this way, I'd give it up if I were in the right environment, and my career depended on it... and I love for it to be that way, but right now its not. When you consider the amount of beer I drink is considered as not much at all by most who know me, you see what I'm up against with my current lifestyle.
Sure, it's possible for you to lose muscle from doing too much cardio, but it's highly unlikely. Shying away from cardio completely because you think you'll lose muscle is a huge mistake. Only excessive amounts of cardio would cause you to lose muscle because over-training tips the scale towards the catabolic side. It's difficult to generalize and pinpoint one specific amount as too much, but I think it's safe to assume that just about anyone could do up to 45 -60 minutes of cardio a day, 6 to 7 days a week without losing any muscle - as long as the proper nutritional support is provided.

Beer belly? Spot reduction is simply the idea that if you work a specific muscle group you will decrease the amount of fat in that area. The most common example of this is people focus on abdominal exercises in an effort to lose weight in their stomach area.

In reality, there is no such thing as spot reduction. You will never attain a flat stomach just by performing abdominal exercises. The reason for this is simple: a muscle does not own the fat that surrounds it. Sit-ups, for example, will definitely strengthen your abdominal muscles, but sit-ups alone will not get rid of the layer of fat that is covering the muscles. To lose fat anywhere on your body you need to burn calories by following a program that involves both cardiovascular training and weight training. In doing so, you will decrease fat stores throughout your entire body, including the problem areas.
Your making me sound like i have a beer belly here, i have a thin layer of fat that is stopping me from being able to show my stomache muscles properlly, and i think a lot of it has to do with my "stretch armstrong" like skin.
london-boy said:
sytaylor said:
I resent the little remark, totally unfounded... (and wrong)

but yeah i do have a few beers at the weekend, probably 8 on a friday night and about 4 or 5 on a saturday night... :oops:

Well, in the total and utter unfoundess of that statement, don't come back to me saying u've got "fatty areas" here and there... 8 beers?!?!?!? then 5 and 4?!?!?! You are crazy, and if u wanna pursue what you want to purse, gonna have to kill that habit... u'll feel so much better it's not even funny...

Oh, and fatty areas in the right places are always welcome....errrr....

I meant "little sytaylor" specifically and not the rest FYI :)
Simon, u needs to stop drinking as much as u do. Peer pressure is bad.
Then u will see the effects of you efforts at the gym will be much more evident.
And you need to do this "before" committing yourself, or looking for a life the way you would like it to be... Agencies won't tell you "we'll take you, sure, but in 6 months time when u lose ur beer-induced love handles!". you need to get there, ready to suck dick... i mean... ready to do what you'll have to do to get to the top....

fallguy said:
Try working 12 hour days, getting roughly 6 hours sleep, and in your awake hours, watching a 8 month old, and 5 year old.. then talk to me about tired..

But its still going to be a good week, get new speakers and LCD tomorrow.

Cool, new things to break for the 8-month and the 5-year old!!!!!! :devilish:
And that LCD looks sooooooo cool when you touch it, it does all those weird light thingies, and look!! If u push HARDER it makes it even more!!! Wonder what happens if i make a hole in it!!!

Pffft, fags and their "six-packs"....I got me a decent little pony keg going on down there. 8)

(BTW-I meant the use of the word "fags" jokingly and mean no offense, y'know I love ya LB! ;) )
london-boy said:
Simon, u needs to stop drinking as much as u do. Peer pressure is bad.
Then u will see the effects of you efforts at the gym will be much more evident.
And you need to do this "before" committing yourself, or looking for a life the way you would like it to be... Agencies won't tell you "we'll take you, sure, but in 6 months time when u lose ur beer-induced love handles!". you need to get there, ready to suck dick... i mean... ready to do what you'll have to do to get to the top....


k well you tell em then! Honestly, being a metro in country bumpkin land just aint fair.
digitalwanderer said:
Pffft, fags and their "six-packs"....I got me a decent little pony keg going on down there. 8)

(BTW-I meant the use of the word "fags" jokingly and mean no offense, y'know I love ya LB! ;) )

I assure you I'm straight (you have NO clue how often I have to use that)
sytaylor said:
digitalwanderer said:
Pffft, fags and their "six-packs"....I got me a decent little pony keg going on down there. 8)

(BTW-I meant the use of the word "fags" jokingly and mean no offense, y'know I love ya LB! ;) )

I assure you I'm straight (you have NO clue how often I have to use that)

Hey, don't need to prove anything to us matey!!! :devilish:

Just messing around....

Digi, u love u too, u big strong hairy mountain of a man!! :LOL: