Is this a good sound card (Need help)

why do you need a mic for an electric guitar ?
mate no offence youre asking that, and here you are giving lots of advice to someone about what sort of soundcard they need :)

yes with a midi guitar you dont need a mic, but do you really want a midi guitar? sure its fine if that suits you
you dont need a mic with an electric guitar either they have pickups are you getting confused with an acoustic ?
you dont need a mic with an electric guitar either they have pickups are you getting confused with an acoustic ?

Well, typically you like to hear what you're playing :smile:. Actually you can record a dry line by running it through a DI box, but then you would probably just spend a long time mastering it to sound like it was recorded in a room.
A few questions to the OP:
What exactly do you want, and - more importantly - what exactly do you already have?

For gaming:
Ok, you've got Windows 7.
What games do you intend to play?
Do you use speakers or headphones? Do you already have an amplifier/receiver? How will you connect to your computer - analog or digital?

For audio:
You want to record guitar.
Acoustic or electric?
What about amps or mics, do you already have those and if so, what kind?
Do you intend to record more/different stuff (other instruments, vocals etc.) in the future?

And finally: What's your budget?