Is BestBuy out of their MIND!?


I just called two of the closest stores to me in Santa Clara (one in Milpitas, and one in San Jose). I know from the spreadsheet that was given that the store has atleast 70 units!

So what's my problem?

They aren't selling any Premium or Core packages. You can only, I repeat, ONLY buy the $699 bundle or above!

It's bad enough that the XB360 is lacking killer "must buy me" launch titles, but now there's a shortage, and even if you stand in line for 3 hours before open, you can ONLY buy a $699 bundle that includes 4 games and accessories that you may not want?

I was on the fence about getting an XB360, and caved in today thinking I'd get one tonite, but fuck this. I am not going to drive around looking for stores to buy the damn thing at and stand in line for hours, only to be able to buy bundles I don't want.

Microsoft clearly fucked up launch availability if stores have so few units that they feel they'll maximize profit by selling only super expensive bundles.

I'm waiting till spring'06 now.
What's with you the past six months? It like all reason has gone out the windows in your posts... Calm down and breath easy. Sheesh.

You already know stores are full of pre orders and those that are (Like some EB's are only selling bundles becuase they make more money off teh games than they do the console). Bundles are NOT created by MS, they are created by the store chain! There's lots of other stores you can buy it at "like walmart" that won't force anyone to buy a bundle. It's those shitty stores like EB that do that kind of crap.

Well the fact you decided the day before release to go and get the console, and the fact it's in high demand on launch day probably meant you were waiting until 2006 anyway.
I wont go into specifics, but I remember other launches that were quite as chaotic as this. However, you won't see me commending such companies for these actions. If what you say is true, I would think it very ridiculous. Most likely the Best Buy in question is taking advantage of the scarcity of the xbox360. This is how a free market economy works. If people are willing to buy at that price then, Best Buy will do it again and again. If supply is limited and demand for a product is high (what we would call an inelastic demand); then selling at a higher price, though oppurtunistic, is warranted. I bet you they sell every single one of those 70 machines. The reason they do this is because they are graded on revenue. I used to work at a Best Buy and GMs who came up with such ideas were applauded highly. I personally don't see anything wrong with this, as long as it does not break any agreements with Microsoft or Best Buy. Though some might see it as very unfair, business is business.
For a guy that owns highend equipment, I find it strange he goes to only BB for his gaming needs...

Last time I checked there were at least 10 other chains that carry Xbox 360 products...
kyleb said:
Is demand really high? Seems like the supply is where the trouble is.

Good point, with stores only getting 50 each or so supply is definetaly the major problem.

On the other hand, I'm reading about line-ups in NYC that are like 200people long earlier today, for launch tomorrow!
supply may be on the low side but from what I'm reading, demand is definitely on the high side.

it seems less than 1/2 of the people wanting one are not getting one tonight
well, I know I can wait... maybe even until they bring out a smaller revision of the hardware. :p
MS is going to have about 750 untis in north america. That's a lot for launch. So yeah I'd say demand is high. certainly I don't recall any single stores getting 70 xbox 1 systems in at launch.
a friend here in PHX metro area just called 6 Wal-Marts and all had lines around the store with 2-3 times the number of people than actual units to sell.
PC-Engine said:
For a guy that owns highend equipment, I find it strange he goes to only BB for his gaming needs...

Last time I checked there were at least 10 other chains that carry Xbox 360 products...

I'm not going to drive an hour to get an XB360, I am going to go to the closest stores. The closest stores to me are: BB, Walmart, EB, Gamestop, Target, Circuit City and Frys.

BBs are all selling $699 bundles only.
Walmart is only doing lottery (no guarantee to get one, even if you are first in line)
EB and Gamestop sold out.
Frys, unknown.
Target and Circuit City only getting < 20 units.

As for why I didn't preorder this thing months ago, I *tried* But it appears that if you didn't preorder as far back as May of this year, you're SOL. I even asked on this board a few months ago where to pre-order.

Excuse me for expecting reasonable availability on launch.

In past launches, they had low availability, but the way to get one was reasonably straightforward (stand in line). This time around, apparently standing in line isn't guaranteed to net you a core or premium bundle.
kyleb said:
Is demand really high? Seems like the supply is where the trouble is.





Does that answer your question?
Qroach said:
MS is going to have about 750 untis in north america. That's a lot for launch. So yeah I'd say demand is high. certainly I don't recall any single stores getting 70 xbox 1 systems in at launch.

The Target that I bought my XBox1 at on launch had around 50. But they didn't require you to buy some insane $700 bundle to get it either.
Looks like I am waiting, not by choice.

I went to 11 stores and all of them have lines that exceed the number of systems.:???:

3 Meijers, 2 Wal-Marts, 2 Best Buys, 2 Super Kmart, and 2 Circuit City. My only hope now is Comp USA tomorrow morning and I plan to arrive at like 5AM. Other than that I am screwed.:cry:
Does anyone know if Costco will have it on sale at their stores? Their online bundle (which btw is the best deal) was pulled from their website.
Powderkeg said:



Does that answer your question?

These are pix of the new "Jump-in" ad campaign, eh? :p

...or alternately, "They took-er jobs!!!" (a South Park reference)
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