Iraqi interim constitution

It does however show that other religions are not being given equal tolerance. On a national scale, by the leader.

Well, if say, any leader got up and appealed to those of other religions using the tenets of their religon, it could easily be seen as pandering on the part of the politician. The answer is not for a person like Bush to give 'equal time' for each religion because from a simple pratical purpose, he'd be at that podium for a while; he just should keep God/Jesus out of it and to be fair, the media do try to make religion an issue. (Bush's claim that Jesus is his favourite writer and Lieberman's Judaism in 2000). So, the question becomes who is making Bush bring up religious imagery? Bush, his speechwriters, or the media pundits who may pounce on it's absence?
epicstruggle said:
sytaylor said:
I personally can't remember the last time the leader of my country refered to god and/or his religion, thats for sure.
Refering to god in a speech does not cause people to spontaneously convert or find religion.

Europe is heading down a dangerous path of religious intolerance. Time will tell who is right/wrong.

ps germany actively discriminates against scientologists. Which is a recognized religion by many

they must have something in common with nazis to make Germans discriminate against them.
You are claiming that there is some sort of Christian conspiracy that you are a part of that controls the government or what? Man... ??!!

If you can't see that the word 'we' represented the voting public, and instead chose to insert 'vast Christian conspiracy', then I'm sorry, you're beyond hope. If you want to read into my postings of some vast Papal conspiracy to dominate the world, I guess there is nothing I can do to stop you.

Can you do more than accuse others of harbouring strange all-encompassing conspiracies?
Willmeister said:
Edit: To deal with Sebastian's childish nit-picking and knee-jerk unimaginative 'LOOK! He's claiming conspiracy! See! See!" retort.

knee-jerk unimaginative eh? Well I suppose. But it doesn't change the fact that I pointed out your hypocritical bias exemplified by you hyperventilating all over the place about Bush's religious convictions and using the word God in his speeches when you have fundamentalist Islam and states spreading like wild fire all throughout Asia, Africa and the Mid East. Your fanatical paranoia wrt Christians is simply ridiculous.
Willmeister said:
Well, if say, any leader got up and appealed to those of other religions using the tenets of their religon, it could easily be seen as pandering on the part of the politician. The answer is not for a person like Bush to give 'equal time' for each religion because from a simple pratical purpose, he'd be at that podium for a while; he just should keep God/Jesus out of it and to be fair, the media do try to make religion an issue. (Bush's claim that Jesus is his favourite writer and Lieberman's Judaism in 2000). So, the question becomes who is making Bush bring up religious imagery? Bush, his speechwriters, or the media pundits who may pounce on it's absence?

Bringing up religious imagery has to come from a base belief in the first place, I think its a tad sensationalist and unreaonsable to pretend he doesn't do it himself. The media pouncing on its absence would only be a problem for those unwilling to accept the secularity into which they are born.. for the media its a mountain from a mole-hill.
sytaylor said:
Willmeister said:
Well, if say, any leader got up and appealed to those of other religions using the tenets of their religon, it could easily be seen as pandering on the part of the politician. The answer is not for a person like Bush to give 'equal time' for each religion because from a simple pratical purpose, he'd be at that podium for a while; he just should keep God/Jesus out of it and to be fair, the media do try to make religion an issue. (Bush's claim that Jesus is his favourite writer and Lieberman's Judaism in 2000). So, the question becomes who is making Bush bring up religious imagery? Bush, his speechwriters, or the media pundits who may pounce on it's absence?

Bringing up religious imagery has to come from a base belief in the first place, I think its a tad sensationalist and unreaonsable to pretend he doesn't do it himself. The media pouncing on its absence would only be a problem for those unwilling to accept the secularity into which they are born.. for the media its a mountain from a mole-hill.

Not true, you can use religious analogies to convey other general meanings within the story.
Your fanatical paranoia wrt Christians is simply ridiculous.

Too bad you're not a clinical psycologist. You may have just invented a new condition. Paranoia of oneself. And what exactly would I be paranoid of ?

And this whole nonsense about me somehow ignoring the rise of fanatics on the other side of the planet is something new to me. I always thought I was always greatly concerned about sociopaths out to rob, maim and kill people to further their own self-interest, but I guess I'm wrong and you're right. I've never been concerned about sociopaths.
Willmeister said:
Your fanatical paranoia wrt Christians is simply ridiculous.

Too bad you're not a clinical psycologist. You may have just invented a new condition. Paranoia of oneself. And what exactly would I be paranoid of ?

Your one strange fellow. You get all agitated that the US president is a Christian and somehow feel that this is some dangerous thing. Methinks you are a hypocrite to critique the US president for being Christian while you yourself proclaim to be one. Never mind the blind eye to the rise of Islamic Fundamentalist throughout the globe. Again you are obsessed and fanatical in your reprisals of the US presidents religious convictions. My sakes! the President used the G word.. how repugnant. :rolleyes: You are a Christian? Is your name Judas?
You get all agitated that the US president is a Christian and somehow feel that this is some dangerous thing.

What are you reading?!

Simple point: don't ignore religous upheavals at home by obsessing over religous upheavals everywhere just because local issues seem minor now. I think you're the only one here that hasn't seen my slippery slope warning. I'm very concerned that victories by 'Christian' groups like school prayer and religous monuments on public property would be just a start for them.

This isn't an either-or choice here as you seem to believe it to be, and that's the problem. You seem to view everything as an either-or affair (and phrased in a way where the 'or' is never a viable option). To me, this is nothing but a "save now, pay big later" or "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" argument.
Willmeister said:
To me, this is nothing but a "save now, pay big later" or "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" argument.

Yeah, I don't get that sense from reading your posts. What I do see is unrestrained paranoia.
Willmeister said:
What I do see is unrestrained paranoia.

What you call paranoia is misplaced. Most of us call it responsibile behaviour.

Expect the worse, it's a lot less stressful.

"Expect the worst" and hope for the best.(You forgot the other bit.) But I think here your expectations are ... really exaggerated. Somehow magically Christians are going to convert the majority into being religious and start some fundamentalist Christian state? Certainly the president using the G word is not enough to even begin that sort of process. I call your obsession ill-responsible and its built on exaggerated fear mongering that really need not be. Never mind its elitist tone.
Somehow magically Christians are going to convert the majority into being religious and start some fundamentalist Christian state?

It's always either-or with you isn't it, just like your run-of-mill fundamentalist. How very limited. I guess you have to 'elitist' to see all the shades of grey in between.
Willmeister said:
Somehow magically Christians are going to convert the majority into being religious and start some fundamentalist Christian state?

It's always either-or with you isn't it, just like your run-of-mill fundamentalist. How very limited. I guess you have to 'elitist' to see all the shades of grey in between.

heh, thats funny I thought it was you who was portraying the worst case scenario to discredit Bush by demonizing his Christian convictions. Not only did you attack Bush but Christians and America in general. Who is presenting an extreme perspective? Your admitted obsessed and exaggerated expecting the worst of Christians, America and particularly Bush is nothing but a disservice, all it amounts to is blatant scare mongering.
Will, lets make this easy. Whats wrong, will be wrong, or has been wrong with politicians using the word god (religion in general) in the USA? What do you see happening, and how long will it take for it to happen?

Now, in regards to islam and the koran, can you see that it has actually caused minorities and women to be oppresed, in countries(regions) like Afghanastan, Nigeria, parts of pakistan, soon in singapore, and all. And that when you combine religious leaders, extremists, the koran and political leaders, you have a basic molatov cocktail, ready to explode at anyminute. If you can remove (minimize) the koran from the legislature and judiciary, you might create a more stable enviromnent.

i hope to hear from you.

heh, thats funny I thought it was you who was portraying the worst case scenario to discredit Bush by demonizing his Christian convictions.

I wasn't demonizing Bush. If I was going to demonize him, trust me, it'd be on his lame-brain policies, not on religon.

Your admitted obsessed and exaggerated expecting the worst of Christians, America and particularly Bush is nothing but a disservice, all it amounts to is blatant scare mongering.

I'm not worried about Christians or Muslims, or whatever. Just sociopaths.
Willmeister said:
heh, thats funny I thought it was you who was portraying the worst case scenario to discredit Bush by demonizing his Christian convictions.

I wasn't demonizing Bush. If I was going to demonize him, trust me, it'd be on his lame-brain policies, not on religon.

Yeah, just stick with the typical obsessive overanalyzing, exaggerating, nitpicking and critiquing every single policy rather then doing the dirty like you began to do in this thread. As we all know there has not been one good policy implemented by Bush. :rolleyes: