The US does not operate that way. There is no "pool of money" set up to overthrow non-democratic nations, and in the absence of terrorist activity to be dirverted to "humanitarian causes". The "what if..." situation you propose is simplistic in nature. The US budget for Foreign Aid, the military, United Nations, domestic issues, ect...are very complex in their implementation and allocation. Furthermore, what about the countrie's themselves that are to recieve a "slice of the pie"? Like Saudi Arabia? Want to give them more Foreign Aid? Or Egypt? We already give them almost a billion in aid every year. Want to add new strings?Well, the US has now already invaded Iraq, so what if there was a pool of military money that was to be devoted towards overthrowing non-democratic nations, but in the absence of terrorist activity that was diverted to humanitarian causes in those countries? I mean the US has shown that it will do whatever it wants and no-one will stop them, so why wouldn't these governments and/or their citizens want to do something to get a piece of that pool?
The next problem you have to overcome is that these countries are controled by corrupt governments whom control the press. How are you going to get the word out to "stimulate eradication of hate from within." If you can't get the word out because the press is controled then what are you going to do? One of the biggest problems is that these governments allows the hate and lies to be printed. All the public reads is slanted and controled by the State.
The third problem you have is lack of true freedom. Freedom to express new ideas. Freedom to question one's own government. Without true freedom a "pool of money" woun't matter. After all, what difference does it make if we argue that aid for education "should only be given in reward for upholding the ceasefire, only if there are no suicide bombers" if the text books are propaganda to start with??
Freedom of thought and ideas are the only true way to begin to eradicate the hate from within. And how do you promote Freedom?
By promoting Democracy. To do that we had to change the regimen. And make no mistake about it, this is one of the biggest gambles the US has taken in it's history. In the short term this is (and will be) painfull. To make an omelet you have to break a few eggs. But in the long run I agree with DemoCoder that it will be worth it. It is our best hope of breaking the cycle of dictators and oppression in the Middle East, and promoting peace and freedom in that region.