IQ Test

155 - Genius.

Unfortunately, I know that this certainly isn't the case! :p

Pretty easy that one, to be honest. I've done several IQ tests in the past and generally rack up a score in the 140 range.
I just took a quick look at the test--- what does it have to do with intelligence? It's primarily a test of math skills (that is, education), not of a person's ability to reason or solve problems of any consequence.

Of course, testing a person's ability to reason through use of multiple choice questions is a fair bit harder then testing how good they are with numbers. :p
IQ tests are pretty much a waste of time IMHO.

They test how good you are at doing IQ tests, which generally require a certain way of thinking. I did a Mensa test when I was a kid and got 177, due to the nature of IQ tests you tend to get much higher scores as a child than as an adult IQ=Mental Age/Chronological age *100.

Captain Chickenpants said:
IQ tests are pretty much a waste of time IMHO.

They test how good you are at doing IQ tests, which generally require a certain way of thinking. I did a Mensa test when I was a kid and got 177, due to the nature of IQ tests you tend to get much higher scores as a child than as an adult IQ=Mental Age/Chronological age *100.


I did the BBC "Test the Nation" IQ thingy the other year but did have a few beers whilst doing it. I was quite chuffed to get a score around the mid-130s but my friend's mum got over 150 - a score it would have been impossible for me to achieve with a 100% mark in that particular test!

Just a bit of fun, really - I can't imagine why anyone would want to join Mensa.
Darn youbarely got me I got 154 Genuis and I maybe one since school is very easy but of course that has led to me being on hell of a lazy ass. :LOL:

I blame school for making me lazy. It's not my fault I sware I'd just rather be playing videogames or sleeping than doing anything remotely related to work. :)
End rant.
Ohh, a free IQ test on the net. They usually end in some page where you have to sell your soul to see the score.

"Your IQ Score Is , 160 , "

I'd say that that IQ test didn't have hard enough questions to give such a score. And I agree with ZoinKs!, that it had too much math for a regular IQ test.

Then of course there was the link:
"If you would like to challenge our paid I.Q. Test. Click here"

Now how many people would pay for that if the first test had revealed how stupid they realy were... :D
What itdidn't have way to much math it has way too much math when it starts getting in to calculus. :LOL:

"Your IQ Score Is 166. And that means you have the IQ of a High Genius."

Yeah, whatever. The test was pretty crappy.

Edit: I went back to look at the test again, and discovered I had forgotten to fill in my age! Now I only get 162!! Oh No!!!
Did anybody catch the spelling mistake.

"18. Completer the following letter series."

That might explain why everyone taking the test is a genius.
Mariner said:
Captain Chickenpants said:
IQ tests are pretty much a waste of time IMHO.

They test how good you are at doing IQ tests, which generally require a certain way of thinking. I did a Mensa test when I was a kid and got 177, due to the nature of IQ tests you tend to get much higher scores as a child than as an adult IQ=Mental Age/Chronological age *100.


I did the BBC "Test the Nation" IQ thingy the other year but did have a few beers whilst doing it. I was quite chuffed to get a score around the mid-130s but my friend's mum got over 150 - a score it would have been impossible for me to achieve with a 100% mark in that particular test!

Just a bit of fun, really - I can't imagine why anyone would want to join Mensa.
That was the final test, they ask if you want to join (and pay £30), I said no :)
why the heck does it say that if u get over 130 u r over 98% of the ppl that take the test?.... i got 150 and im the last one in here...
Mariner said:
Pretty easy that one, to be honest. I've done several IQ tests in the past and generally rack up a score in the 140 range.

ditto, unless i get a lot of shape transformation questions... my brain just can' handle those things.