iphone 4 or Desire HD ?


Wookies love cookies!
well my old cell phone got busted...so time to get a new one !

Which one of these two have a (comparatively) better battery life ? Also I'll be jailbreaking the iphone 4 'IF' I get it...so the comparison should be made between a jailbroken iOS vs Android. And about apple and Flash...how good is this workaround called frash ?

EDIT : Will have to look at the screen size as well since browsing is going to be such a priority, 3.5 inch iphone vs 4.3 inch Desire HD !
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I don't know specifically but to give you a bump and imply theres intelligent conversation going on...

Ok. Yeah the iPhone 4 probably has the longer battery life since the unjailbroken version seems to have about the longest in its class. Jailbroken would be hard to say because that introduces many variables.

In general I would say that the iPhone is the better built of the two going by the hardware features and just general design if you overlook the death grip overblown thing.

As for Flash? I dunno. Most of the sites I go to on my phone have a flash alternative for the iPhone and other cell phones.
If screen size is a thing, then the iPhone is out immediately. I love the iPhone, but I would probably give up a lot of its benefits just for having a slightly bigger screen at the moment.
Given the fact you have to use that horrible piece of junk called itunes to use the phone, apple charges you way to much and is unfair (they want 30% of the money made on digital newspaper contracts while they basically do nothing at all), and you'll look like a cock with a iphone I will take the Desire HD anytime, anywhere.
If web browsing is very high on your priority list then you may want a phone with the bigger screen. Even though the iP4's Retina display is fantastic, I've found that I still have to use the zoom quite a bit when web browsing not because it can't resolve small details in a webpage, but because I need to zoom so I can tap small links more precisely. This is only when viewing full size non-mobile webpages though.

With that said the iP4 is a fantastic overall package. When you hold it, you could just feel the superior build quality over 99.9% of all the phones on the market.
and you'll look like a cock with a iphone I will take the Desire HD anytime, anywhere.
Lol, wut? Why would holding an iphone make you "look like a cock"? Design wise it's as understated a piece of electronics as you're likely to find, anywhere. If you irritate yourself on people holding iphones it's just because you're an irrational apple hater, it's that simple.

With that said the iP4 is a fantastic overall package. When you hold it, you could just feel the superior build quality over 99.9% of all the phones on the market.
...Just don't drop it, coz making the outer shell almost entirely out of glass isn't optimal from a ruggedness standpoint. :D

That said, I really like my iphone4, I think it's a great piece of kit. There's a few things I'd like to change regarding the UI (including the onscreen keyboard which is nearly impossible to type accurately on, particulary in vertical orientation), but on the whole it's really nice.
You'll look like a cock because your average iphone user thinks his/her phone is the one and only phone in the world while in reality you paid a shitload of money for a phone that lacks some very basic features. For example: It's really nice to have all that storage (that you can't change...) but the only way to get any data on the phone is to use that horrible piece of junk itunes.

Second, the sheeple always drool over all those new things the iphone introduces while in reality those things have been around for years already. Front cam? My Touch Diamond had that 2.5 years ago. HDSPA? Took apple forever but my TD had that 2.5 years ago. Screen resolution? I remember how the apple crowd said 640x480 was totally useless on the 2.7'' screen of my TD and how 480x320 was more than enough. Now those some people drool all day over their ''retina'' display and how awsome it is and how shit all other phone screens are.

Third, apple must think all their customers are complete retards (they might be right there ;)) because whatever you buy you can never do with it what you want. All closed as hell.

Yes I hate apple.
I would recommend the desire HD. I think HTC has done a stellar job so far. It may not have the battery life of the IPhone but frankly I think it wins out everywhere else.
You'll look like a cock because your average iphone user thinks his/her phone is the one and only phone in the world while in reality you paid a shitload of money for a phone that lacks some very basic features. For example: It's really nice to have all that storage (that you can't change...) but the only way to get any data on the phone is to use that horrible piece of junk itunes.

You can also just download it from the App Store on your iPhone. At least you've always been able to use all the internal storage for storing Apps, when most Android phones for a loooong time had very limited amount of memory on which you could store apps (initially that averaged between 256-512MB). This is one of the biggest reasons why we went Apple.

Second, the sheeple always drool over all those new things the iphone introduces while in reality those things have been around for years already. Front cam? My Touch Diamond had that 2.5 years ago. HDSPA? Took apple forever but my TD had that 2.5 years ago. Screen resolution? I remember how the apple crowd said 640x480 was totally useless on the 2.7'' screen of my TD and how 480x320 was more than enough. Now those some people drool all day over their ''retina'' display and how awsome it is and how shit all other phone screens are.


Third, apple must think all their customers are complete retards (they might be right there ;)) because whatever you buy you can never do with it what you want. All closed as hell.

I think Apple just realises that for many people, closed is better. It leaves less room for error and issues. This is what makes iPhone popular among the crowd: a relatively painless experience. I met many IT managers in Norway where it is more common to have an agreement where you can pick any phone you like and get a new phone every week, and they said that the iPhone just gives the fewest issues, both in terms of use and in terms of maintenance.
Second, the sheeple always drool over all those new things the iphone introduces while in reality those things have been around for years already. Front cam? My Touch Diamond had that 2.5 years ago. HDSPA? Took apple forever but my TD had that 2.5 years ago. Screen resolution? I remember how the apple crowd said 640x480 was totally useless on the 2.7'' screen of my TD and how 480x320 was more than enough. Now those some people drool all day over their ''retina'' display and how awsome it is and how shit all other phone screens are.

For these very reasons, I think pretty much every spec-whore (like myself) hates almost everything from Apple.

The iPod, iPhone and iPad "revolutions" feel like we're watching a hot babe getting a Nobel Prize because she just said the first smart thing in her life.
And we're the only ones who know that she's surrounded by all these (not-that-much-)less beautiful girls who have done and said smart stuff during their whole life, and all they get is a regular salary and a pat on their back.

The other day I was listening to a guy making a 10 min speech to his friends about the "novelty" of SSDs in his new Air 11".
I just repressed my will to punch his face. And it wasn't easy.

(un?)Fortunately, the world isn't made of spec-whores...
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I'd definitely get the iPhone and have a better chance to get laid.

No offense to the HTC virgins in this topic.
I'd definitely get the iPhone and have a better chance to get laid.

No offense to the HTC virgins in this topic.

Never heard of anyone who got laid for using an iPhone.

I do know of several cases of people who don't get laid at all because they spend all their attention towards their iPhones, cherishing the (supposedly a "slave", but actually their "master") device as if it was an actual girl/woman.

Interestingly, those same people actually bought iPhones thinking the device would get them laid more often.

They do seem happy with their lives, though. Sex-less, but happy.
I wasn't being entirely serious, and just hope I'm right in assuming that the kinds of posts that proclaim hate and bitterness about Apple or its customers were also somewhat tongue in cheek.
I wasn't being entirely serious, and just hope I'm right in assuming that the kinds of posts that proclaim hate and bitterness about Apple or its customers were also somewhat tongue in cheek.

Serious or not, all I said in this thread is 100% honest.

I do proclaim my hatred for Apple for the aforementioned reasons (hatred fot their products, and their media/mindshare attention for claiming "inventions" that simply aren't).
I don't extend the same "hatred" to the people who purchase their products, though. I have both family and friends with iPhones and Macbooks, it'd be hell to hate them all :cry:
I'd definitely get the iPhone and have a better chance to get laid.

No offense to the HTC virgins in this topic.

I bet people who have apple products mate like this:

First they put on their steve jobs masks obviously, you can't do withouth. Then the guy goes like Oh, im gonna stick my iPenis, made of gorilla glass, in your iVagina. But wait! whats that? The female steve jobs turns off?! Actually she has some kind of construction error that turns her off if you hold her in a normal way. Fortunatly apple got a solution for this. It's the iRubber! It's like a full body size condom you put on. Though just as with everything apple didn't make this up themselves but stole the idea from some weird Japanese porn movie.

Oh god, just get over yourselves, alright? Apple's just a company, amongst a dozen or even a hundred others (if not more) doing the exact same thing, claiming to be innovators when all they really do is either borrow or steal.

The only genuine reason some people heap such hate on Apple instead of all those other companies, is that Apple has become a darling pet of the liberal/intellectual elite, and the hate is thus a projection of the disdain that person feels for intellectual people. There's no rationale behind it all. So some dumbass thinks Apple invented SSDs when they put one in the new macbook air... So what? Why blame Apple for that, that's friggin' moronic.
The only genuine reason some people heap such hate on Apple instead of all those other companies, is that Apple has become a darling pet of the sensationalist media and opinion-less intellectualloids.

There, I just corrected that for you. Not saying that everyone who buys Apple products are opinion-less intellectualloids, just that Apple is their darling pet, as you called it.
I know people who bought iPhones because they were the best option available for their call/data plan, people who had to buy Macbooks because of software compatibility mandatory for their jobs, others who just found great deals, etc.

BTW, one of the several aspects of civism is the extraordinary ability to respect other people's opinions even when they're not the same as yours.
There's no need to make this personal. I'm pretty sure I didn't start that.

Do I think the world would be a better place without Apple? Yes, I do.
I happen to think the same about mosquitoes, racism, needless violence and natural disasters that kill innocent people.
Opinions, just that.
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jeez what's wrong with Apple? did Steve Jobs question your sexual orientation when you were in school? Did he murder your parents? Did Apple cause the girl you had a secret crush on to be expelled (wait, was that from Eden)?

No need to get this emotional like this over just another company! They actually do a very good thing by increasing the expectation standards of the products in the sectors they compete in, even if you consider their products overpriced and don't like them. Nobody forces you to buy them!

This reminds me of the irrational hate of Microsoft by many linux zealots that then proclaim that Linux is (as) easy to use as Desktop OS for the average guy. Yeah RIGHT, and this year will be the year of linux on the desktop....
You'll look like a cock because your average iphone user thinks his/her phone is the one and only phone in the world while in reality you paid a shitload of money for a phone that lacks some very basic features. For example: It's really nice to have all that storage (that you can't change...) but the only way to get any data on the phone is to use that horrible piece of junk itunes.

Maybe because commenting, you should know something about the thing for which you are commenting.

Now those some people drool all day over their ''retina'' display and how awsome it is and how shit all other phone screens are.

Well it is a very nice display. Generally considered the best display on the market for cellphones. Probably won't be surpassed until Samsung can figure out the blue/red power/efficiency issues.

Third, apple must think all their customers are complete retards (they might be right there ;)) because whatever you buy you can never do with it what you want. All closed as hell.

All phones are nominally closed as hell. In fact, the only reason "app stores" etc exist now is because of apple. The iphone when it came out radically opened up the cellphone status quo.