Ipad can do anything a laptop can...... RANT

"Calling the iphone the failphone has to do with people accepting it lacking very basic stuff that should"

I understand your point, but most people would call that an astonishing success, selling stuff by the bucketload, even though it lacks some basic functionality.

IMO the lack of BT file transfer and removeable storage, is all about content I/P protection, and not because they just forgot to do it/didn't think it was important. They judged that they could make the public accept devices without this functionality, and that removing it added to the appeal of content providers to the platform, and again they were proved correct.

The fact that you and I and many see them as glaring ommissions is neither here nor there, in that context.
o_O A modern(Defined here as released within the last five years) x86 CPU with lower power draw than the Atom? What CPU is it?

Xcore86, also known as vortex86 .
it's not really modern, similar to a Geode LX processor in features and performance but built on 90nm process. it has rough edges and doesn't target the same market as ipad's cpu or Atom.
that was pretty off-topic. I was ranting about netbook keyboards :)

And yet you prefer the iPad? Different strokes, I suppose...

When I got a netbook, I bought one that was light and had a large keyboard (94% full size or something like that). It's far less annoying to lug around than a 5lb notebook, 10x better for typing than an iPad, and I don't worry about it because it's so cheap.
Because you had a bad experience with the odd unit you bought? Or simply because you say so?

it seems I like to overgeneralize these days, and that particular keyboard is the one of eee PC 901.
What would be really nice is if the iPad had an e-paper mode like the Notion Ink Adam. Then possibly they could pitch it to students with the idea of filling it up with e-textbooks and doing their online homework on it. I can see the appeal of spending $500 on an iPad as e-book versions of textbooks are of course cheaper and it means less weight to lug around. If you're in a science major, then there wouldn't be a lot of typing or researching for most classes.

I really couldn't care less about a "suck-centric" device or whatever but if they marketed it as a serious e-book reader with basic internet functionality, then I would want one. I don't think I've ever owned an Apple product so that's saying something.
Notion Ink Adam doesn't exist.
Archos 7 and 10 Androids don't exist and won't run Skype with Video calls (but they will have Fring)
The whole tablet market is a mess and Skype/Fring blew it big time when they broke off their relationship.

Apple is going to walk into a market where all the pieces already exist but dumbassery on the parts of other players have cripple things and then Apple will release the iPad2 with a front facing camera and Skype video and kill the competition with their new "invention"...then iPad3 will have a pixelQ type display for better e-reading.

Over three years Apple will incrementally incorporate existing technologies and bring them to market while everyone else screws up. What we should have had last year (Notion Ink Adam with Android running Skype Video) we won't have until 2012 and even then only on the iPad3.

Why does the rest of the market screw up so badly?
Until e-ink has improved colour support, I'd actually prefer the iPad for textbooks, depending on the subject. If I was still in school it might make me interested in one. Not to mention, the iPad could provide interactive textbooks, over a regular textbook like an e-reader. For straight up reading, I'll take e-ink any day.
Until e-ink has improved colour support, I'd actually prefer the iPad for textbooks, depending on the subject. If I was still in school it might make me interested in one. Not to mention, the iPad could provide interactive textbooks, over a regular textbook like an e-reader. For straight up reading, I'll take e-ink any day.

Well as a certified old fart I can tell you that backlit LCDs wear on old eyes in a painful way.
Until e-ink has improved colour support, I'd actually prefer the iPad for textbooks, depending on the subject. If I was still in school it might make me interested in one. Not to mention, the iPad could provide interactive textbooks, over a regular textbook like an e-reader. For straight up reading, I'll take e-ink any day.

I think the color support is already good enough personally for almost anything that is needed for a text book.
Well as a certified old fart I can tell you that backlit LCDs wear on old eyes in a painful way.

Oh, I agree. That's why any serious reading I do would be on e-ink. Textbooks I tend not to sit and red for hours, or I'm using them as reference material. I'm not focussed on the page the same way I am when I read a novel.
Why does the rest of the market screw up so badly?
It's not that bad. The Asus T91 was out 9 months before the iPad. 2lb netbook tablet with a keyboard (it's cramped, still better than anything you can do with an iPad) and Windows XP.

With these sorts of products out there I just don't see the point in an iPad as anything other than a fashion statement. I'm not an Apple hater, as I feel they executed brilliantly on the iPod and iPhone, offering features and usability that nobody else did. The iPad is just dumb.
Well as a certified old fart I can tell you that backlit LCDs wear on old eyes in a painful way.

My friends old man who is legally blind and only has one eye loves reading on his iPad because he can easily adjust the font size.

Beat that! :p
I hadn't noticed any "tablet netbooks" that were already out. The flip is not the point of attraction per se.
I hadn't noticed any "tablet netbooks" that were already out. The flip is not the point of attraction per se.

Isn't every "tablet pc" that came out before the ipad a "tablet netbook"



Merely having a touchscreen doesn't make a tablet I would want. The platform has to be optimized for multitouch as well, which iPad does well.

one of the machines in that list is almost ten years old and has a detachable keyboard. Apart from multi-touch it is a better product than the ipad in every way (imho)