Yeah, but it also weighed 4.6 lbs. That's not in any way comparable to a 1.6 lb of the machines in that list is almost ten years old and has a detachable keyboard. Apart from multi-touch it is a better product than the ipad in every way (imho)
Still, tablet netbooks have been around for a while. Gigabyte's M912V was one of the first ones and came out two years ago. However, it weighed 2.9 lbs and had only 3 hours battery life, but they've been slowly improving though. The Eee T91 I mentioned came out almost a year before the iPad, has multitouch, weighs 2.1 lbs, and has 5 hours battery life. It's not the 10+ hours of the iPad, but who needs to dick around on the net without a keyboard for 10 hours away from an outlet?
The funny thing is that it got mixed reviews due to the cramped keyboard and slow performance compared to most netbooks. An iPad is even slower, can't even run those tests, has no keyboard, costs 50% more, and yet it gets generally rave reviews? WTF?
The iPhone and iPod brought functionality and usability that didn't exist before. They deserve all the praise they got for those products. With the iPad, Apple removed functionality and increased cost. It's just a fashion statement.