Ipad can do anything a laptop can...... RANT


Aaaargh, if I read one more time on some bullshit commercial website article or in some stupid forum post that the ipad can do anything a laptop can I am going to throw my computer out the window.

This ridiculous.... actually moronic notion is really getting on my tits. Do these fucking ponsy retarded ipad users think that the only thing people do with computers is browse the net, read books and do emails....(and play paper toss)

FOR FUCKS SAKE!! It doesnt even do as much as the iphone (make calls)


Theres an app for that..... ..... and that... and a fucking app for that too.

So wheres all the software I need and use, or that other people develop with?.What about high end stuff? hell what about the basic stuff? I garauntee theres even some basic file creating / document editing you would struggle to do with the Ipad. And good luck trying to use the ipad form factor for all but simple tasks.

If you get a dry erase marker, it makes a nice white board too. :D Although it's kinda small, so hope your audience has good eyesight and you can write small. ;)

Uh...it's a large iPod Touch with a hobbled Office Suite. I thought that was general knowledge.
And good luck trying to use the ipad form factor for all but simple tasks.
It's intended for simple tasks. And to be very portable, and to have a long battery life. These things are pretty much mutually exclusive with advanced tasks-capable, at the moment. In another 10 years, not so much probably, but right now battery life goes down the crapper as soon as you want any serious level of performance. Of course, heat, weight, size etc go way up too.

If you let yourself become annoyed by retards who think the ipad is the be-all, end-all of devices, well, that's more your fault than the ipad's actually. ;) I think it's an intriguing device, but the first incarnation is too limited. Doesn't even have a camera for apple's much vaunted facetime, or a USB port. I think those two are pretty neccessary on that type of device. You would want to plug in a USB stick with some data files if you're going to work on it, for example.
You would want to plug in a USB stick with some data files if you're going to work on it, for example.

I dont see that ever happening on any apple device anytime soon. Apple don't want you to have access to ANY content that should be paid for, unless it HAS been paid for. And they don't want content that you have paid for leaving the Apple ecosystem. Its a core selling point in coming to arrangements with content providers for the platform.

Why do you think that there is no bluetooth file transfer on the iphone, a rather glaring omission, given that just about every other phone has had it for the last 4/5 years.

No USB file access serverely limits the ability to bring in/out content/apps. Even if the device is "jailbroken" having no physical file transfer mechanism makes things more difficult, as does having no facility to send files over bluetooth. (and anyway, for the purposes of this discussion, jailbroken devices are irrelevant).
It's actually not bad... I had one for a while and didn't turn my laptop on for about 4 months... It did just about everything I needed day to day on it.

Eventually I had to switch back to a laptop because I need to be able to do some code development, RAW image processing and missed virtualizing other operating systems but it was pretty close to being enough. I suspect we all fall more into a "power user" category but it really wasn't that hard to imagine it being enough. It just made a clear distinction between what you used it for and what you used your main/work PC for. I don't believe they're saying it is the only computer anyone will ever require (and as you can remote dekstop into any other machine it does actually give you access to any machine you have).

Ultimately I gave it to my girlfriend so she could play bejeweled on a bigger screen and got one for my mum and dad to play with. Realistically though flash support (or an expert mode that at least let you see when flash content was missing from a page), slightly better connectivity for memory cards/USB/firewire and a decent case with a keyboard for those moments when you are going to type a long document and it'd be enough for 99% of people...

I suggest they assume that if you're wanting to do development you should probably understand that the ipad isn't the platform to use. We're a niche and tbh we're a niche that shouldn't really need this stuff spelling out in tv adverts.
It is true though if you think about it. You just have to understand that very many users only browse the web and read emails most of the time. They only occasionally write an email in comparison, writing documents is an even smaller percentage.

For me the iPad is still too expensive and I'll at the very least wait until the next generation. I use my iPhone for stuff so much that the small screen starts to become an issue - I am therefore also not quite sure if I want an iPad or a phone with a bigger screen.
I am not buying any device unless it makes typing very comfortable. It's a pretty important use-case, like posting garbage @B3D for instance. :yep2:
I find it fits my lap better than any laptop. Therefore I think we need to re-classify the laptop as something else. How about portable PC?
I am not buying any device unless it makes typing very comfortable. It's a pretty important use-case, like posting garbage @B3D for instance. :yep2:

Well I like typing on it. If necessary, I also have a bluetooth portable keyboard, but in general I found typing just fine on all iPhone devices. But not everyone feels the same. ;)
I would by the iPad or an Archos, or a HP Slate or any device that would allow me simple browsing, .doc, .xls and pdf vieweing, email and VIDEO skype for my trips to Asia. I'm too tired at the end of a day in China to do real work so a device like this would lighten my load.

As of yet, it doesn't exist unless you count the tiny laptops with W7.

Where the heck is video skype for Android?
I actually don't have any problem with the iPad, except for the price. Relative to its price, the thing is a piece of shit. For what it does, it should be cheaper. It's a crippled iPhone with a bigger screen. And they need to add flash support. I don't like flash, but I'd rather be able to browse instead of having to avoid flash content, which is common.
IMO, flash needs to fucking die instead of being embraced, because 95% of all flash on the web is just ads, and often annoying ones. Flash popups that can't be blocked by normal means, flash popups triggering from mouse clicks anywhere on a page, flash ads scrolling across the screen, ads playing sound, ads folding out and covering the contents of the entire page because your pointer accidentally moused over it...on and on the list goes of annoying shit that piece of crap does.

And it crashes, and it is fucking slow, and there's security holes galore too.

If Apple never adopts flash support for iOS it'll be too soon. If they'd ban it off of MacOS too I'd buy a powerbook tomorrow.
It is true though if you think about it. You just have to understand that very many users only browse the web and read emails most of the time. They only occasionally write an email in comparison, writing documents is an even smaller percentage.

Precisely, most people are sucks, they just suck in content. Each day, every day. On a rare occasion they might blow, blow off a tweet or an email. But mostly, most people just suck.

The iPad work perfectly as a suck device. Allows all the interaction that is required for a suck device. And is pretty hard for someone who is interested in sucking to mess up.

I think the main issue is that people who blow more than average need a device that can both blow and suck. For this a PC works much better as it was a device designed around blowing.

So the reality is that most people mostly suck and rarely ever blow so are perfectly fine with a device that is mostly designed around sucking. OTOH, people that blow, generally need a device that doesn't just suck.
At first I thought Aaron was refering to something I've called "Spongeing" for the past 15 years.. just absorbing data..

but now I have an erection.
Precisely, most people are sucks, they just suck in content. Each day, every day. On a rare occasion they might blow, blow off a tweet or an email. But mostly, most people just suck.

The iPad work perfectly as a suck device. Allows all the interaction that is required for a suck device. And is pretty hard for someone who is interested in sucking to mess up.

I think the main issue is that people who blow more than average need a device that can both blow and suck. For this a PC works much better as it was a device designed around blowing.

So the reality is that most people mostly suck and rarely ever blow so are perfectly fine with a device that is mostly designed around sucking. OTOH, people that blow, generally need a device that doesn't just suck.

OMG. I'm dizzy with blowsuck but it actually is right.
The iPodGiant (aka iPad) is a media consumption device with minimal creation capability. If it had just a bit more "blow" capacity (video Skype) it would be adequate for business trips that are mainly customer calls and the like where the only online time is checking email, reviewing a document and Skyping the kids who are 12 hours behind your current time zone. Rarely on such trips is one going to do much authoring of content (fire up CAD or code a new routine) so it allows one to leave the bulkier laptop at home.

Oh and reading on an iPad? No thank you. I can see using an e-ink reader, but there isn't an LCD out there that doesn't fry my eyes after a few hours.

Notion Ink Adam where are you?