sonix666 said:
If they marketed it as a GPU only benchmark I wouldn't have any problems, but they market it as a gamers benchmark.
As has been pointed out, they specifically state in the whitepaper that the game tests are GPU benchmarks much more than GPU/platform benchmarks. There's a CPU test included if you want to stress the platform. Anyways, if they wait until DX10 to come out with a new 3dMark, 3dMark03'll be plenty CPU-bound before it's through.
I realize that you hadn't read the whitepaper before, but any tech web site certainly ought to have, and the OEMs who use 3dMark in GPU buying decisions certainly have and understand its use.
If Ace's wanted to point out this apparently little-known fact to the millions of gamers who are apparently getting duped into downloading a free benchmark, they could have saved the trouble of all the benchmarks and just posted an article about the whitepaper.
And it simply doesn't reflect any of todays games.
Good, it's not supposed to. Or did you think today's games used unified per-pixel lighting with shadow buffers? Or heavy PS/VS 2.0??
3dMark01 reflects today's games (or perhaps those of a few months back).
And as I have said, I don't foresee games becoming fully GPU limited (OK, on older cards)
The 9700 Pro
is an older card from the perspective of the games 3dMark03 is trying to model.
because all other parts of games do also become more complex. A game is NOT only about graphics.
I never said it was. The CPU-stressing part of a game's workload will become more complex to match the improvement in CPU performance around the time the game is released. The GPU-stressing part of a game's workload will become more complex to match the improvement in GPU performance around the time the game is released. That's a given. If that doesn't happen, the game was badly targeted or badly programmed.
That fact alone means that future games are always GPU limited by today's standards, and past games always CPU limited.