zurich said:I guess you missed my joke on the first page then;
A far cry from CNN's quoted poll of Americans only showing 40% approval for gay "civil unions", and 48% for endorsing "legal gay relations" (wtf is that). Damn liberalist-communist-destructionist-socialist-obstructionist-greasy-Europeans reading our CNN and skewing our polls!
You forget that rightwing-conservative-yaddayaddas could have flocked to the page to vote tooStill, ~900,000 voters isn't a figure to be scoughed at.
Something you might consider here is that this is not reflective of America at all. There is the international version of CNN that you have used as a source of American voting then there is the one on my list of favorites.
As opposed to this.
Which is likely something more reflective of the European vote on the matter being an international web page. In other words this poll is not reflective of an American poll at all.