I'm sending this Christmas greeting to John...

That's a great Christmas card. I'd be overjoyed if I got a card like that.

PS. So you are not really sending this to him? You said "how he'd respond" instead of "how he'll respond," but the title of the thread made it sound like slipping this inside an envelope and mailing it was a certainty. I'm all teary eyed here. The Christmas music, the season in general, the little tree sprite...awww.
wireframe said:
PS. So you are not really sending this to him? You said "how he'd respond" instead of "how he'll respond,"
Yes I'll be sending him something like this (might mess around with a better, funnier screenshot but the basics will remain :) ). Hence the "he'd" instead of "he'll".

This is basically the type of card I'll be sending to the other developers I know (i.e. using a screenshot of their latest games).