I'm going to die

...or the meteors. Or maybe a space-borne killer virus. So flavour of Death From Spaceâ„¢ anyway.
This kind of stuff can be quite serious. My dad was almost paralyzed when his back went out in a bad way a few years back, from sitting for too many hours at a stretch at his computer for a number of years. He ended up out of work for something like six months or so. Fortunately he had oodles of vacation time saved up, and so combined with his sick leave, was able to have full pay for the entire time.

I know that most of us that browse these forums sit at a computer for many hours at a time, so this should definitely apply to us. It's rather important to be aware of the dangers of not moving, and change your habits before ending up with a debilitating injury.
For me I don't think this really applies because I have attention issues while I'm on my computer.

I'm usually moving around in my chair and my hands are always typing above my keyboard because it's simply faster.
I usually fiddle around with my books to get bits of information and so forth.
wrist pads are stupid, if I find myseld to use a keyboard with a wrist pad I first remove it. afterall the article says it must not be used for typing. it even says :

Each of the specialists referenced pianists when discussing the proper way to hold your hands and wrists when you type. Pianists use their fingers to hit keys, but keep their wrists raised and arms engaged, and hit the keys with their fingertips alone.

use a good keyboard with normal layout, with the indexes first resting on F and J, and that's it.

"The worst setup is the keyboard on the keyboard tray [and] the mouse up on the desk surface. It leads to reaching injuries," said Rogers.

it never came to my mind that some people could bear not having keyb and mouse on the same surface.

in the end, most important thing is, you have to feel comfortable, like relying on hunger to know when and how much to eat, trust what you feel. especially important is the chair, it has to be stable. that may mean using a plain chair without wheels. I found out quite some time ago that the chair can affect my gaming :)