Haha, thanks for all the warm messages guys!
Mufu, london-boy and Rev, you guys made me laugh out loud big time!
Oh and ByteMe thanks for your considered message too.
I always knew to change the world all you need is a bit of love (and sleep).
Funny even looking at the pics my heart beats faster - it's a different kind of love.
Oh and K.I.L.E.R the reason why I post so much here is that my wife is looking after the baby at her own place and I'm bored with nothing better to do except browse these forums, heh, and think of Ria of course, ahem.
Mufu you may be closer to the truth than you realise.. lol. Naming her was very, very tough. We had a lot of arguments over the name... probably not alone there. Oh and I wanted a girl first, and I got my wish but my wife wanted a boy first. My next wish is for a boy. My wifes' wish is that I put an end to thoughts of having my own private cricket team, lol. Bless her she needs a looong break. I got to admit women are made of stronger substance than us guys.
Zol, yea she definitely is the greatest 'habibi' in my life.
Rev, I'm ugly? You need a mirror installed into your house, not another graphics card in your computer! I'm just too sexy for my shirt and we can leave it at that!!
Again everyone thanks for the kind words! You guys and gals are the best.
One final pic of the star of the show: